As colleges and universities send
another wave of graduates out into the world this spring, thousands of other job
seekers with liberal-arts degrees like Martin’s find themselves in a similarly
difficult situation. True enough, this is an era of record-breaking lows in
unemployment. But technology companies, which are contributing the lion’s share
(最多的部分) of new jobs, are simultaneously declaring a shortage of qualified
workers. It’s no surprise that high-tech companies rarely hire liberal-arts graduates. The need for technical expertise is so universal that even retailers are demanding such skills. "Company-wide, we’re looking for students with specific information-systems skills", says David McDearmon, director of field human resources at Dollar Tree Stores. "Typically we avoid independent-college students who don’ A. Competition in Talent Market B. Elimination of Independent Collages C. A New Certificate for Liberal-Arts Students D. A Job Hunting Course [单项选择]尿中出现多量管型,说明病变部位在:【 】
A. 膀胱 B. 肾盂 C. 尿道 D. 输尿管 E. 肾实质 [单项选择]预加氢系统不希望发生的反应是()。
A. 脱金属反应 B. 脱硫反应 C. 生焦反应 D. 脱氮反应 [多选题]按照控制方式不同,车载消防炮可分为( )等形式。
A.手动 B.电控 C.电-液控 D.电-气控(E)液-气控 [判断题]用万用表测量交流电压时应注意在电路电压未知情况下,应先用表最高一档测试,然后逐级换用低档直到表针刻度移动至刻度2/3为宜。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于多轴飞行器机桨与电机匹配描述错误的是()。
A.3S 电池下,K对900-1000 的电机配 1060 或 1047 桨 B.3S 电池下,K对1200-1400 配 3 寸桨 C.2S 电池下,K对1300-1500 左右用 9050 桨 D.6S 电池下,K对900-1000 左右用 1225 桨 [判断题]强度最高、承载能力最强的车架是框式车架。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]磁通的单位是( )。(易)
A. W.b B.B C. T. D. M.B 我来回答: 提交