Beijing’s sky watchers will see with
their own eyes a bright com- et (彗星) all night long. Comet e/1996 b2(Hyakutake)
was first observed by Hyakutake, a Japanese amateur (业余的) astronomer (天文学家) , on January 30, 1996. It can be seen with the naked eyes (肉眼) over China, Europe and other northern areas at night through the last week of March and first ten days of April. On march 25, it was closed to the earth and the sun. What is more exciting is that there will be two more rare events in the sky, it is predicted (预言) that another comet, HaleBopp, found on July 23, 1995, by Americans Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, is expected to pass over the northern part of Heilongjiang province in March 1997. The comet, estimated to be 10×15 kilometres in size, will not return for 3 000 years. What is even more rare is that a total solar eclip A. they expect to see with their naked eyes the comet found by Hyakutake B. they will see a comet through a telescope for the first time C. they have observed a comet by themselves D. they expect to see the comet found by a Japanese amateur astronomer through a telescope [多选题]银行在进行营销决策前,首先对( )进行调查分析。
A.客户需求 B.竞争对手实力 C.金融市场变化 D.宏观经济环境 E.其他银行利率 [判断题]电动阀门由于与管道连接,故电机不用接地线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《配电网网格化内容深度的规定》,针对目标网架规划方案,应该从哪些方面进行校验?
A.上下级电网协调 B.供电能力 C.转供电能力 D.重要用户供电 [单选题]红曲米色素的性质是( ),安全性好。
A.耐光 B.耐热 C.对碱稳定 D.以上都是 [单项选择]12Sh-9A型号的泵,在检查泵壳有无裂纹和损坏时,如果裂纹不在承压或不起密封作用的地方,可在裂纹两端钻上()mm孔,用以消除应力集中,如果裂纹在承压部位,则应采用焊补方法修复。
A. φ3 B. φ4 C. φ5 D. φ6 [单选题]在讨论电子点火线圈中一个初级绕组的检查结果为0.5Ω,而规定值为1Ω时,技师甲说这个线圈的初级绕组搭铁了;技师乙说这个线圈的初级绕组短路了。试问谁正确? ( )
A.甲正确; B.乙正确 C.两人均正确 D.两人均不正确 [多选题]各级应当加强用电安全常识教育,防止官兵因()造成触电事故。
A.带电的导线 B.漏电设备 C.其他带电体 D.灭火救援处置不当 [单项选择]下列关于中国古代司法机关的说法错误的是哪项( )
A. 秦汉时期,皇帝掌握最高审判权,廷尉为中央司法机关的大官,审理全国案件 B. 北齐时期正式设置大理寺,增强了中央司法机关的审判职能 C. 唐宋时期,刑部负责大理寺评断的全国死刑已决案件的复核,但宋朝后期,刑部职能有所扩大 D. 唐朝的“三司推事”是指刑部侍郎、御史大夫、大理寺卿组成临时最高法庭审理全国或地方的重大案件 [多选题]行政机关及其工作人员不得利用行政强制权为单位或者个人谋取利益,下
列体现行政强制禁止谋利原则的有( )
A.划拨的存款、汇款以及拍卖和依法处理所得的款项应当上缴国库或划入财政专户 B.行政机关对扣押的财物应当妥善保存,不得使用或者损毁 C.因查封、扣押发生的保管费由 行政机关承担 D.行政机关应按照成本合理确定 代履行费用 我来回答: 提交