Government is the political system by which a (1) or community is administered and regulated.
Most of (2) key words commonly used to describe governments, words (3) as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy, are of Greek (4) Roman origin. They have been current for more (5) 2,000 years and have not yet exhausted their (6) . This suggests that mankind has not changed very (7) since they were coined; but such verbal and (8) uniformity must not be allowed to hide the (9) changes in society and politics that have occurred. (10) earliest analytical use of the term monarchy occurred (11) ancient Athens, chiefly in Plato’s dialogues, but even (12) Plato’s time the word was not self-explanatory. There (13) a king in Macedon and a king in Persia, (14) the two societies, and therefore their institutions, (15) radically different. To give real meaning to t
A. 血压突然升高,短暂意识不清,抽搐 B. 眩晕、呕吐、耳鸣,持续一至数日 C. 发作性神经系统功能障碍,24小时内完全恢复 D. 昏迷、清醒、再昏迷 E. 一侧轻偏瘫,历时数日渐恢复 [判断题]警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车非执行紧急任务时,享有道路优先通行权。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] Excel2010工作薄文件的缺省类型是()。
A.TXT B.DOCX C.WPS D.XLSX [单项选择]2011年1月,乙公司签订了一份金额为60万的购货合同。合同约定:交货时付款。4月,供货商按合同交货,乙公司验收入库。但乙公司因产品销售不畅,资金紧张,没有按合同约定及时支付货款。之后,供货商多次打电话、发函催要货款,未果。9月,供货商派专人及律师顾问到乙公司再次催要货款。为了解决当时的"困境",乙公司签发了一张金额为60万元的转账支票,交给供货商。供货商到银行提示付款时,银行以乙公司存款账户余额仅有20万元不足付款为由予以退票。10月,乙公司收到丙公司签发的银行承兑汇票一张,票面金额为60万,未背书转让就将该汇票交给了供货商抵付货款。之后供货商又将该汇票背书转让给了丙公司,背书时未记载丙公司的名称,丙公司拿到票据后自己将自己的公司名称记载于被背书人处。汇票到期后,丙公司填写了委托收款凭证并附上该银行承兑汇票,经其开户银行A向承兑银行B发出委托收款申请。承兑银行对该汇票进行审查后拒绝支付。要求:根据上述资料,回答下列题目。关于汇票的背书,下列说法正确的有()。
A. 乙公司将汇票转让给供货方时应在被背书人处签章,以保证背书连续 B. 丙公司自己记载名称于被背书人处的做法不具法律效力 C. 银行是因为背书不连续而拒绝付款 D. 银行是因为丙公司自己记载名称于被背书人处而拒绝付款 [单项选择]断肢再植术,对肢体存活影响最重要的因素是
A. 肌腱缝合的质量 B. 神经缝合的质量 C. 皮肤对合的好坏 D. 血管吻合的质量 E. 骨支架建立是否牢固 [多选题]下列哪些是密目式安全网进行贯穿实验的要点?( )
A.将密目式安全网张好绑扎在实验架上与地面成45°的夹角 B.将10kg重的φ48×3.5的钢管放置在其中心点上方3m处 C.使钢管垂直自由落下 D.将密目式安全网张好绑扎在实验架上与地面成30°的夹角 E.将5kg重的φ48×3.5的钢管放置在其中心点上方3m处 [单项选择]可控硅在脉冲调速电路中代表()。
A. 调速开关 B. 整流元件 C. 续流元件 [填空题]收集信息的目的是为了取得实际的()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species. Natural (1) of anger, hostility, and territoriality are expressed (2) acts of violence. These are all qualities that humans (3) with animals. Aggression is a kind of (4) survival mechanism, an instinct for self-preservation that (5) animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence. But, on the other hand, human violent (6) evidence of being a learned behavior. In the case of human aggression violence can not be (7) reduced to an instinct. The many expressions of human violence are always conditioned by social conventions that give (8) to aggressive behavior. In human societies violence has a social (9) : It is a strategy for (10) the powers of violence. We will look at the ritual and ethical patterns within which human violence has been (11) . [单选题]石笼制作与铺砌作业,石笼网眼对角线不大于()。
A.134mm B.136mm C.138mm D.140mm 我来回答: 提交