In the old days, sending a thank-you
note to a relative was easy. You wrote it, (1) , a stamp on
the envelope and dropped it (2) a mailbox. (3)
it went in a red-white-and-blue U.S. Mail truck, and (4)
of days later the friendly neighborhood mailman walked it,
(5) . weather, right to the recipient’s door. (6) you’re as likely to send a fax, e-mail, or instant message. (7) you cling to traditional pen and paper, it’s no longer clear (8) it will travel. Airborne Express Overnight Two-Day Priority (9) it moves into the 1st century, the American mail system (13) to survive. In the past few years, the U.S. Postal Service(USPS) has (11) many new services, (12) stamps over the Internet, electronic bill payment, and a service that prints and A. struggles B. is struggling C. struggled D. has struggled [单项选择]下列地区中,处在亚洲与大洋洲、印度洋与太平洋“十字路口”的是()
A. 东亚 B. 东南亚 C. 南亚 D. 北亚 [单选题]中软CTT4K调度通信主系统的数字环自愈功能在()组网方式中实现。
A.树形组网 B.星形组网 C.环形组网 D.链形组网 [判断题]《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理盗窃油气、破 坏油气设备等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》规定,明知是盗 窃犯罪所得的油气或者油气设备,而予以窝藏、转移、收购、加工、代 为销售或者以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒的,事前通谋的,以盗窃犯罪的共犯 定罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电气设备及其带动的机械部分需要修理时,不准在运转中拆卸修理,必须在停车后切断设备电源,取下熔断器,挂上“禁止合闸,有人工作”的标示牌,并验明无电后,方可进行工作。(铁路劳动安全) (1分)
A.错 B.对 [单选题]电力电缆长期工作运行,以下三种电缆中允许工作温度最高的是( )。
A.粘性纸绝缘电缆 B.聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 C.交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆 [单选题]韶山9型电力机车侧梁底部有( )个吊座。
A.8 B.16 C.24 D.32 [单选题]铸轧区设定的一般原则:铸轧板板厚增厚,铸轧区;铸轧辊辊径增大,铸轧区()
A.、增大;增长 B.、增大;减短 C.、减短;增长 D.、减短;减短 [判断题]质量员应能够根据质量交底的要求和相关内容为工程质量交底提供相关资料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发放股票股利与发放现金股利相比,其优点包括()。
A.提高每股市价 B.改善公司资本结构 C.提高每股收益 D.避免公司现金流出 [单项选择]“考试本是中国一个很好的制度……英国首先仿行考选制度,美国也渐取法,大凡下级官吏,必要考试合格方得委任……但是只能用于下级官吏,并且考选之权仍在行政部之下……在君主专制国中,选拔人才悉凭君主一人的喜怒,所以虽讲资格,也是虚文。至于社会共和的政体,这资格的法子正是合用。”孙中山的这一议论旨在说明()
A. 考试权体现西方自由平等 B. 倡导古为今用、洋为中用 C. 科举制是专制主义的工具 D. 考试权能为共和体制服务 [单选题]转K6型组合式斜楔的制造质量保证无裂损.磨耗不超限的期限是( )
A.5年 B.6年 C.8年 D.7年 [单选题]计算机病毒的常见传染方式是通过软盘、光盘和( )。
A.显示器 B.CPU C.内存 D.计算机网络 [单项选择]挫折后的直接反应不包括()
A. 攻击行为 B. 投射 C. 自杀 D. 情感淡漠 E. 退行 [单项选择]If he ______ the teacher's advice, he would pass the exam now.
A. would follow B. had followed C. followed D. would have followed [判断题]检查眼震颤可用来判定前庭迷路的功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 如果用低于额定电压规格(如220V电源用110V的继电器)的直流继电器串联电阻的方式时,串联电阻的一端应接于()。
A.正电源 B.负电源 C. 远离正、负电源(不能直接接于电源端) D.无所谓 [判断题]非计划停运时间为机组处于非停运状态,但发电能力达不到额定功率所持续时间折算成机组全停的时间。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对工件进行研磨属于精加工。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]T管周围皮肤有胆汁侵蚀,可用____皮肤保护 ( )
A.温开水 B.氧化锌 C.生理盐水 D.地塞米松软膏 [单选题]由于对核心资产的大量投资,营运现金流在短期内是不足以完全偿还外部融资的。对于这部分融资需求,实际是一种()。
A.非预期性支出 B.季节性融资需求 C.短期融资需求 D.长期融资需求 [单项选择]He is a rare celebrity scientist. He’s even had a TV cameo role (小角色) in Star Trek in which he plays poker with scientific icons (偶像)Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Yet when asked about comparisons between himself and the two scientists, he calls it all "media hype (炒作)." Once asked how he felt about being labeled the world’s smartest person, he responded: "It is very embarrassing. It is rubbish, just media hype. They just want a hero, and I fill the role model of a disabled genius. At least I am disabled, but I am no genius. "
Hawking has ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neuromuscular disease that progressively weakens muscle control. He gets around in a wheelchair, and after completely losing the use of his vocal chords in an operation to assist his breathing in 1985, he communicates through a computer. A speech synthesizer "speaks" for him after he punches in what he wants to say, selecting words in the computer software by pressing a switch with his hand. Unfortunately, it A. is a very famous scientist B. can be compared with Newton and Einstein C. is a very good actor D. has surpassed any scientists known in the world [单项选择]以下不属于礼貌服务内容的是( )。
A. 银行业从业人员的业务活动以客户为中心,专业的态度、得体的行为举止、为客户提供礼貌周到的服务是从业人员履行职责的基本要求 B. 一般银行业从业人员所在机构对员工的着装、言行都有较为明确的要求,银行业从业人员应该熟知这些要求,自觉践行 C. 银行业从业人员应当以大方得体的行为举止为客户提供优质的服务,并在业务处理过程中,满足客户的合理要求,对于明显不合理的要求,也应耐心说明情况,获得客户的理解 D. 对残障或语言存在障碍的客户,银行业从业人员应当即可能为其提供便利 我来回答: 提交