Walt Disney started his animation
career in Kansas City, Missouri, producing films that were a combination of
cartoon and live action and starring a curious little girl named Alice. Hoping
for greater success, he moved to Los Angeles in 1923, joining his brother, Roy.
Once the creative possibilities with the Alice series were exhausted, Disney
started producing films for a new animated character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit,
in 1927. Mickey Mouse was conceived the next year during a cross-country train ride, according to the "official" company history. Walt Disney had just been forced to give up the Oswald rights to his cruel New York distributor, who had exercised copyright control over the character. On the ride back home to Los Angeles, Disney made up a little mouse named Mortimer. His wife, Lillian, thought the name too pompous(华而不实的) and sugge A. Winnie the Pooh is another mouse. B. Winnie the Pooh appears more often than Mickey Mouse on TV. C. Winnie the Pooh is not an animated character. D. Winnie the Pooh is one product of the Disney company. [多选题]混凝土墩台应重点检查以下内容:桥台护锥砌体灰缝( )、( )、( ),( ),盲沟排水。
A.缺损 B.开裂 C.下沉变形 D.土体陷穴 [简答题]问题同上
A. 可以创造出商品的空间效用和时间效用 B. 可以扩大商品的市场范围 C. 可以保证商品价格的稳定性 D. 能够促进社会分工的发展 [单选题]患儿男,2 岁。人工喂养,4 天前咳嗽、发热、腹泻、体检 ∶体温 38.6℃,中度脱水, 患儿在补液中突发抽搐,持续约 1 分钟。抽搐最可能的原因是( )
A.中毒性脑病 B.低钠血症 C.低钙血症 D.急性心衰 E.高热惊厥 [判断题]维修项目是指作业开始前不需对行车条件进行限制,结束后须达到正常放行列车条件,并且在维修天窗时间内能完成的项目(西铁施工[2021]150号第9条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]稳定塔顶回流量增加,稳定塔底重沸器出口温度()。
A.保持不变 B.提高 C.降低 D.无法确定 [单项选择]某男68岁,牙列缺失,要求做全口义齿修复。拔牙后多长时间,可进行全口义齿修复()
A. 2个月左右 B. 3个月左右 C. 5个月左右 D. 8个月左右 E. 10个月左右 [单选题]对线路进行拨道时,为防止拨后过车钢轨回复,对拨道处要适当预留回弹量,一般情况下应预留
( )。 A.2~4MM B.5~6MM C.6~8MM D.8~10MM [判断题]有限空间作业人员应正确使用安全防护设备与个体防护装备,并与监护人员进行有效的信息沟通。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]LMA正确置入法是( )
A. 开口向后,插入过程中旋转180° B. 开口向前,插入过程中旋转180° C. 开口向后,插入过程中旋转90° D. 开口向左,插入过程中旋转90° E. 开口向右,插入过程中旋转90° [单项选择]行颈浅丛阻滞时,操作错误的是()
A. 病人取仰卧位,去枕,头偏向对侧 B. 穿刺点位于胸锁乳突肌后缘与颈外静脉交点 C. 穿刺针触及横突时,即可注局麻药 D. 局部麻醉药一般每侧10ml E. 除在穿刺点注射药物外另向乳突和锁骨方向做浸润注射 [判断题]助理人员编制了Y公司下属某生产企业的制造费用各项目分析表: