The visual arts are a class of art
forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, and others, that focus on the
creation of artworks which are primarily visual in nature. The visual arts are
distinguished from the performing arts, language arts, and other such classes of
artwork. The definition is not strict, and many artistic disciplines involve
aspects of the visual arts as well other types. In Britain until recently the fine arts-painting, sculpture, printmaking, and so on-were seen as distinct from craft disciplines and the various metalworking disciplines. This distinction arose from the Arts and Crafts Movement whose political aim was to value daily art forms as much as high forms. The result of the conflict between the two groups was to politicize the products of what we now know as visual artists. British ar A. Painting. B. Sculpture. C. Photography. D. All of the above. [单项选择]手指主动活动障碍,但被动活动正常,常见的原因是( )
A. 肌腱粘连或断裂 B. 指间关节或掌指关节损伤 C. 皮肤瘢痕挛缩 D. 上肢主要神经损伤 E. 前臂缺血性肌挛缩 [多项选择]根据《YD/T5166-2009本地网光缆波分复用传输系统工程设计规范》,CWDM系统保护方式有()
A. OMSP B. OLP C. OCP D. OSNCP [单选题]与高层建筑直接相接的裙房里,消火栓间距不应该超过( )( 易 )
A.20m B.30m C.40m D.50m [多项选择]胆总管囊肿切除,间置空肠、胆道吻合术,术中应注意().
A. 防止损伤门静脉和肝动脉 B. 囊肿切除应彻底 C. 防止损伤主胰管 D. 间置空肠血运应良好,系膜不要有张力 E. 肝门部胆管放支架管 [多选题]公安民警在安全检查中发现违法犯罪行为人携带的物品可能为()等危险物品时,应当立即采取适当的防护措施。
A.易燃 B.易爆 C.剧毒 D.放射性 [单选题]近代以来中国半殖民地半封建社会的矛盾,呈现出错综复杂的状况,其中,贯穿整个中国半殖民地半封建社会始终,并对中国近代社会的发展变化起决定性作用的最主要矛盾是( )。
A.无产阶级与资产阶级的矛盾 B.帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾 C.封建主义和人民大众的矛盾 D.农民阶级和地主阶级的矛盾 [单选题][T] B-B-C-001 3 2 2
导线绝缘电阻在潮湿天气(空气湿度大于75%)时两导线间每公里( )MΩ。 A.≥4 B.≥10 C.≥15 D.≥20 [单选题]自备应急柴油发电机组宜( )空载运行一次.
A.每天 B.每周 C.每月 D.每季 我来回答: 提交