Questions 71-80 are based on
the following passage. A federal judge on Monday certified a $ 200 billion class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry for its marketing of light cigarettes. Eastern District of New York Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s 540-page opinion in Schwab v. Philip Morris USA, Inc. , 04-CIV-1945—which included an additional 965 pages of appendices for a total of 1,505 pages-gave tens of millions of smokers an avenue to recover damages from the nation’s largest tobacco companies, including Philip Morris USA Inc. , R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. , Lorillard Tobacco Co. , and Liggett Group, Inc. The class will include anyone who purchased light cigarettes from the time tobacco companies began selling them in the 1970s. The judge said he even would consider broadening the class, to encompass smokers of all " A. a federal judge B. a New York lawyer C. a report writer D. an Eastern District judge [单选题]在尾巷进行拆、接钻孔,维护管路时,工作地点的瓦斯浓度必须在()下。
A.0.3 B.0.015 C.0.02 [单选题]烧伤急救,未经医务人员同意,灼伤部位可以自行敷搽药物。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [多项选择]乙状结肠扭转属于()
A. 急性肠梗阻 B. 动力性肠梗阻 C. 血运性肠梗阻 D. 完全性肠梗阻 E. 低位肠梗阻 [单选题](2018年、2016年)结转确实无法支付的应付账款,账面余额转入( )。
A.管理费用 B.财务费用 C.其他业务收入 D.营业外收入 [单项选择]为了保证低合金钢焊缝与母材有相同的耐热、腐蚀等性能,应选用()相同的焊条。
A. 抗拉强度 B. 屈服点 C. 成分 D. 塑性 [判断题]道岔拨道量较大时,应考虑对线间距和建筑界限的影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]既能治便血、痔血,又能治烫伤的药物为
A. 侧柏叶 B. 地榆 C. 槐花 D. 大蓟 [填空题]Rabies is an ordinarily infectious disease of the central nervous system. It is caused by a virus and, (51) a rule, spread chiefly by domestic dogs and (52) flesh-eating animals. Man and all warm-blooded animals are susceptible (53) rabies. The people of (54) Egypt, Greece and Rome ascribed rabies to evil spirits (55) ordinarily gentle and friendly animals suddenly became vivacious and violent (56) evident cause and, (57) a period of maniacal behavior became paralyzed and died.
Experiments (58) out in Europe in the early nineteenth century of injecting saliva from a rabid dog (59) a normal dog proved that the disease was infectious. Preventive steps, (60) as the destruction of stray dogs, were taken and (61) 1862 the disease was permanently eliminated in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Though urban center on the continent of Europe were cleared several times during the nineteenth century [判断题]( )BG004PT燃油供给系中,只有针阀一副偶件存在
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下何项不是厥证表现()
A. 突然昏倒,不省人事 B. 昏迷时间长,甚至不能苏醒 C. 醒后伴口歪,半身不遂 D. 发生于任何年龄 E. 伴四肢逆冷 [多项选择]若2000年与2001年所有者权益分别为6420万元和7680万元,则所有者权益报酬率为( )。
A. 30.06% B. 40.28% C. 27.52% D. 27.38% [单选题]以下不属于急腹症病人术前评估内容的是
A.疼痛发生的时间 B.腹痛的性质及程度 C.腹痛的部位 D.腹痛与饮食的关系 E.有无腹痛家族史 [单项选择]船员和旅客在船舶处于紧急情况下的最不明智的选择是()。
A. 马上请求救援 B. 马上逃离难船 C. 立刻放艇 D. 马上查明事故原因 [单项选择]王某,自觉腹胀痛,时有条状物聚起在腹部,按则胀痛更甚,便秘,纳呆,苔腻,脉弦滑。此证属()
A. 肝气郁滞型聚证 B. 湿热壅滞型腹痛 C. 气滞血阻型积证 D. 食积阻滞型聚证 E. 气滞湿阻型臌胀 [判断题]保证合同的当事人为保证人和债务人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据多维变革智慧共享财务管理方案,成本费用类非集成业务涉及场景主要有财务费用、坏账准备、营业外支出、地方政府收费等各类经济业务事项。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]法人行社办理存放同业业务必须充分考虑本机构的(),严格按照()管理的要求配置资产。
A.风险性,流动性 B.风险性,风险性 C.流动性,流动性 D.流动性,风险性 [判断题]交流传动机车定期检修的修程分为大修、中修、小修和辅修。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在项目变更管理中,因内因或外因引起的二级变更和三级变更,由项目部、使用部门和质量部主管领导审批即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]车辆曲线过大有何害处?
A. 延长工作时间的工资 B. 中班、夜班、高温、低温、井下、有毒有害等特殊工作环境或条件下的津贴 C. 带薪休假期间的工资支出成本 D. 法律、法规和国家规定的劳动者福利待遇 [判断题]施工方案审查通过后,Ⅱ级施工由主管业务部室组织有关业务部室共同审定,审定施工方案时应签认施工方案审定表。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直流电动机机械制动就是给一个人为的()阻力。
A.电磁 B.机械 C.能耗 D.制动 [单项选择]受溶血影响较小的测定项目为()
A. LD B. AST C. γ-GT D. CHE E. ACP 我来回答: 提交