池塘边自由采食水葫芦,菱角的散养猪中,部分猪发病,主要表现为腹胀,腹痛,下痢,消瘦,贫血。 |
{{B}}Newcomers{{/B}} When a country is under-populated, newcomers are not competitors, hut assistants. If more come they may produce not only new quotas, but a surplus as well. In such a state of things land is{{U}} (51) {{/U}}and cheap. The possession of it{{U}} (52) {{/U}}no power or privilege. No one will work for another for wages{{U}} (53) {{/U}}he can take up new land and be his own master. Hence it will pay no one to own more land than he can cultivate by his own labor, or with such aid as his own family{{U}} (54) {{/U}}. Hence, again, land{{U}} (55) {{/U}}little or no rent; there will be no landlords living on rent and no laborers living on{{U}} (56) {{/U}}, but only a middle class of yeoman farmers(自耕农). All are{{U} A. rewards B. salaries C. wages D. awards [判断题]有限空间作业许可人由有限空间设施运维管理单位专责人及以上人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三羧酸循环主要是在亚细胞器的哪一部位进行的
A.细胞核 B.胞质 C.微粒体 D.线粒体 E.高尔基体 [单选题]交流电动机的启动方法中,启动电流最平稳的是( )。
A.星一三角减压启动; B.全压启动; C.软启动; D.定于串电阻减压启动。 [单选题]瞬时污秽是指高导电率的一种污染物,这种污染物快速沉积在绝缘子表面,使绝缘子 的状态在一个很短的时间()内从一种可允许的清洁/低导电率状态改变直到闪络,并且 当这一事件过去后再返回到低电导状态。
A.0.5h B.lh C.2h D.3h [单项选择]医源性疾病发生的危险因素是指()
A. 年龄为中年者 B. 有基础疾病 C. 注意经常洗手 D. 消毒的导管 E. 正常操作已灭菌的引流管 [单项选择]GW4隔离开关三极开关导电闸刀合闸时,不同时接触误差不超过()。
A. 5mm B. 4mm C. 2mm D. 3mm [单选题]继电保护装置、安全自动装置和自动化监控系统的二次回路变动时,应按( )进行,无用的接线应隔离清楚,防止误拆或产生寄生回路。
A. A、经审批后的图纸 B. B、厂家设计图纸 C. C、作业指导书要求 D. D、工作负责人要求 [不定项选择题]邪入脏腑,病情严重者,指纹的表现是( )。
A.显于风关 B.达于气关 C.达于命关 D.透关射甲 E.未超风关 [判断题]环丁砜溶剂降解生成三氧化硫核酸性聚合物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]锚杆(永久性边坡)锚杆钢筋保护层厚度不应小于( )
A.20mm B.25mm C.30mm D.35mm [多选题]运维部门应保持()整洁、畅通,消除各类火灾隐患,通道沿线及其内部、隧道通风口(亭)外部不得积存易燃、易爆物。
A.电缆通道 B.竖井 C.夹层 D.管孔 [填空题] Perhaps there are far 【B1】 wives than I imagine who take it for 【B2】 that housework is neither satisfying nor even important once the basic demands of hygiene and feeding have been 【B3】 But home and family is the one realm in 【B4】 it is really difficult to shake free of one’’s upbringing and 【B5】 new values. My parents’’ house was impeccably kept; cleanliness was a moral and social virtue, and personal untidiness, visibly old clothes, or long male hair provoked biting jocularity. If that 【B6】 been all, maybe I could have adapted myself 【B7】 housework on an easy-going, utilitarian basis, refusing the moral overtones 【B8】 still believing in it as something constructive 【B9】 it is part of creating a home. But at the same time my mother 【B10】 to resent doing it, called it drudgery, and convinced me that it wasn’’t a fit activity for an intelligent being. I was the only child, and once I was at school there was no 【B11】 why she should have continued 【B12】 her will to remain
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交