Today I would like to tell you about
the effects of old age on health. Actually today a lot of improvements have
taken place in the care of old people and old people’s health is not nearly so
bad as it used to be. Probably many of the fears that people have of growing old are greatly exaggerated(夸大). Most people, for example, dread becoming senile. But in fact very few people become senile Perhaps only about 15% of those over 65 become {{U}}senile{{/U}}. Actually much more common is in fact caused by doctors ourselves. And that is over-medication. Nearly 80% of people over 65 have at least one serious illness, such as high blood pressure, heating difficulty or heart disease And very often to combat these they take a number of drugs and of course sometimes there are interactions among those drugs. And this can cause a lot of compli A. quiet B. healthy C. ill D. old [单选题]有限空间作业时,严禁在井内、隧道内使用燃油燃气发电机等设备,在井口附近使用燃油发电机时,将发电机放置在()。
A.上风口 B.下风口 C.出风口 D.回风口 [名词解释]技巧性活动
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]操作设备时,“四懂三会”中的“三会”指的是什么?()
A. 会使用 B. 会维护保养 C. 会拆卸 D. 会排除故障 [判断题] 电力系统中性点接地是属于保护接地,它是保证电力系统安全可靠运行的重要条件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在以下选项中,各犯罪行为的主体不限于国家机关工作人员的有:()
A. 玩忽职守罪 B. 食品监管渎职罪 C. 故意泄露国家秘密罪 D. 失职造成珍贵文物损毁、流失罪 [简答题]简述布鲁纳的学习观和教学观。
[单选题]钢轨预打磨应在新钢轨上道使用后尽快进行,一般不宜超过( )通过总质量。
A.5Mt B.10Mt C.15Mt D.20Mt E.20T F.30T [多选题]列车制动系统具有( )功能。
A.常用制动 B.停放制动 C.紧急制动 D.保持制动 [多项选择]以下中国的()可以为外国人入境办理签证。
A. 外交代表机关 B. 领事机关 C. 外交部授权的其他驻外机关 D. 依法设立的口岸签证机关 我来回答: 提交