Most injures can be prevented, provided
a parent goes about it the right way. Mr. Grant was a skilled and capable surgeon. His wife--intelligent, charming and a qualified nurse--had suggested they see me about their 16-month-old son, Neville. Mrs. Grant spoke first. "We’re both professional people, and I guess we’re supposed to know more than most people. It hurts us to admit our little Neville is such a problem." "He’s all over the house, climbing, handling things he’s not supposed to be touching," Mr. Grant interrupted, "and we’re afraid he’ll badly injure himself and it’ll be our fault." "Does he have some understanding of the word ’ no’," I asked… "That’s just it, we can’t be sure if he has or not. Sometimes he seems to understand, but at other times he just doesn’t seem to mind when we say ’no’," the father A. The Grants and the author are all professional people. B. The parents have failed in teaching their son how to read and comprehend the word "no". C. Reading between the lines, we may conclude that Neville has injured himself more than once. D. It is implied, but not directly stated that Mrs. Grant is Neville’s stepmother. [单项选择]外国投资者减持股份使上市公司外资股比例低于( ),且该投资者非为单一最大股东,上市公司应在10日内向审批机关备案并办理注销外商投资企业批准证书的相关手续。
A. 3% B. 5% C. 10% D. 15% [单选题]正循环压井法缺点是压井作业时( )。(按教材)
A.压力控制的难度较小 B.不容易导致复杂的高关井压力工况 C.立管压力高 D.压力控制的难度较大,容易导致复杂的高关井压力工况 [判断题] 轴的结构设计应满足:轴上零件定位准确,固定可靠;轴上零件便于装拆和调整;具有良好的制造工艺性和尽量减少应力集中四个要求。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]生物体的最基本结构和功能单位是()。
A. 机体 B. 各功能系统 C. 组织 D. 器官 E. 细胞 [单选题]接收机的接收噪声门限值是可调的,( )。
A.门限值调得越高越好,可去掉大部分的噪声干扰 B.门限值调得越低越好,可接收到尽可能多的有用信号 C.门限值调到适当位置,即可去掉大部分的噪声干扰,也能有效接收到覆盖内的信号 D.调节接手机面板上的音量旋钮 [单项选择]You don't need to carry large amounts of cash; actually all financial businesses will be conducted by computers.( )
A. transmissions B. transitions C. transactions D. transportation [多选题]机场所有保障人员根据岗位防疫风险精准分级管控,较高风险人员:( )。
A.仓库司机 B.装卸人员 C.货物消杀人员 D.高风险区经核酸检测健康转入集中居住管理的人员 [单选题]由一台中央节点和周围的从节点组成,中央节点可与从节点直接通信,而从节点之间必须经过中央节点转接才能通信为( )。
A. 总线型 B. 星型 C. 环型 D. 树型 [判断题]拉复事故车时,必须由专人统一指挥,两复轨器侧都应有安全观察人员,其他人不得乱指挥或显示信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]流量有哪几种表示方法?相互之间的关系是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]乘务餐供应实行现金缴费方式
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]二尖瓣关闭不全的收缩期杂音()
A. 一贯型 B. 递增递减型 C. 递增型 D. 连续型 E. 递减型 [判断题]( )JK0043走行部监测装置,将监测到的轴承温度、冲击故障预警信息不能实时送副机显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题][T]B-C-A-002 4 7 5
正常运行中的急冷水循环泵出现杂音,可能的原因是( )。 A. 润滑油变质 B. 急冷水塔塔釜液位过低 C. 填料过紧 D. 转速过高 我来回答: 提交