About one million tourists go to
Barcelona every year, just to visit the Gaudi’s Church. This unusual church has
a strange history. Gandi was born in Spain in 1852. He had to work and study at
the same time. He often missed classes because he bad to work, but one day he
designed a very unusual show-case for an exhibition in Paris. People began to
give him work. He designed houses, offices and gardens. They were all very
uhusual. He was soon rich and famous. Then a rich bookseller said, "Will you
build a church for the poor people of Barcelona I will pay. I will build
schools and workshops, too. They will help the people." "I will do it," said
Guadi. He worked for forty years, but he could not finish the church. It was ton
big. He needed $10, 000, 000. He gave all his money to the church. He was poor
again when he died in 1926, and only the front A. Bareelona--A Famous City B. Strange History of Unusual Church C. A Poor Architect’s Study D. Gaudi’s Life in His Childhood [简答题]如何理解中国特色社会主义法治体系的主要内容?
[多选题]按照“链产业、聚园区、强龙头、育业态、优环境”的发展思路,( ),优一产、接二产、连三产,统筹三次产业相互带动、相互促进、共生共荣,实现生产、生态、生活“三生”共赢,建成国家一二三产业融合发展先导区。( )
A.培育融合主体 B.聚焦融合业态 C.搭建融合平台 D.打造乡村旅游 [多选题]摘除马蜂窝作业时必须着( ),袖口和裤管及头罩须扎紧,并随车携带急救解毒药品。
A.防蜂服 B.佩戴护目镜 C.佩戴抢险救援头盔 [单项选择]根据担保法律制度的规定,下列情形中,甲享有留置权的是()。
A. 甲为乙修理汽车,乙拒付修理费,待乙前来提车时,甲将该汽车扣留 B. 甲为了迫使丙偿还欠款,强行将丙的一辆汽车拉走 C. 甲为丁有偿保管某物,保管期满,丁取走保管物却未付保管费。于是,甲谎称丁取走的保管物有误,要求丁送回调换。待丁送回该物,甲即予以扣留,要求丁支付保管费 D. 甲为了确保对戊的一项未到期债权能够顺利实现,扣留戊交其保管的某物不还 [多选题]
电流互感器二次回路接线时,下列操作正确的有(____)。 A. 分相接线的电流互感器二次回路宜按色逐相接入 B. 核对相色无误后,再连接各相的接地线 C. 可利用公共线,分相接入时公共线只与该相另一端连接 D. 导线绝缘良好 [单选题]必须静滴才能维持降压效果的是( )
A.硝苯地平 B.硝普钠 C.普萘洛尔 D.哌唑嗪 E.硝酸甘油 [多项选择]某企业在市场中通过利率招标的方式发行某5年期债券,最后确定票面利率为4.3%,这个利率属于( )。
A. 远期利率 B. 实际利率 C. 固定利率 D. 长期利率 E. 市场利率 [判断题]自燃物质是指与空气接触不需外部热源便容易自行发热而燃烧的物质。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]补油线可以补分馏塔底液面。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交