Perhaps the most ironic aspect of the
struggle for survival is how easily organisms can be harmed by that which they
desire. ①The trout is caught by the fisherman’s lure, the mouse by
cheese, and man by the world’s most popular leisure pastime,
television. Most people admit to having a love-hate relationship with it (the TV). They complain about the "boob tube" and "couch potatoes", then they settle into their sofas and grab the remote control. The amount of time people spend watching television is astonishing. According to a research, on average A. Harm your eyes. B. Make people become absent-minded even after turning off TV. C. Occupy your time of something you really should do. D. Make people’s thoughts blunt. [判断题]对于公民来讲,一般而言,凡法律未禁止的行为就意味着自由.因而行为人不应受法律制裁。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电感式位移传感器是通过检测()的变化来检测被测量的位移。
A.炉缸支柱式 B.框架式 C.炉缸、炉身支柱式 [多选题]发生在有部分进汽度的级内损失有()。
A.鼓风损失 B.斥汽损失 C.漏气损失 D.余速损失 [单选题]在链传动中由于啮合传动,能保证准确的( ),效率高。
A.传动比 B.速比 C.效率比 D.扭力比 [单选题] 公安消防部队在灭火战斗中,不是作战原则为()。
A. 先控制、后消灭 B. 集中兵力、准确迅速 C. 攻防并举、固移结合 D. 分清情况、调足第一出动力量 [单选题]关于创伤的急救,下列选项错误的是
A.较重或重症创伤必须在现场即开始急救 B.抢救重症创伤应首先处理气道.呼吸.循环障碍 C.应特别注意先救治重危剧痛.呻吟患者,再处理较安静的患者 D.骨折合并休克时,应先抢救休克 E.防止抢救中再次损伤 [单项选择]以下生产人员行为,哪个是违反GMP的()
A. 定期淋浴 B. 穿戴头套和鞋套 C. 佩戴首饰 D. 戴防护眼罩 [单项选择]免疫比浊法的基本原则是
A. 反应体系中保持抗原过量 B. 反应体系中保持抗体过量 C. 反应体系中保持抗原抗体为最适比例 D. 抗体特异性强 E. 抗体亲和力强 我来回答: 提交