此时首先采取的措施应为() As human children are unusually
dependent for an unusually long time, it’s obvious that every society must
provide a domestic context in which the children are brought up and educated. In
present day English, the word ‘family’ has two meanings: firstly, the
(1) group of parents and children; and secondly, a
(2) of relations who might be expected to (3)
at a wedding or a (4) . At the first level, my
brothers and sisters and myself are all in the same (5) as
children, but in different ones as parents; but at the second (6)
, we’re all in the same family from start to finish. As nuclear families become more (7) , families of relations become more dispersed (分). The young mother can still talk to her Mum on the phone, but she can’t ask her to (8) for a few minutes to wat A. permanent B. rigid C. casual D. domestic [判断题](判断题)Ⅱ类设备和Ⅲ类设备都要采取接地或接零措施。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]判断急性化脓性腹膜炎的主要体征是()
A. 压痛和反跳痛 B. 频繁呕吐 C. 腹胀加重 D. 肠鸣音减弱 [单项选择]女,38岁,贫血,血清铁5μmol/L,血清总铁结合力410μmol/L,血清铁蛋白10μg/L,网织红细胞计数0.015,血清铁饱和度1.5%()
A. 缺铁性贫血 B. 巨幼细胞性贫血 C. 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 D. 珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血 [单项选择] You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2005 application is utilized by the company. A query is executed by the application to return three columns of the nvarchar data type and one column of the XML data type. A WHERE clause is utilized by the query, and all three of the nvarchar columns are contained by the WHERE clause. 5 million rows are included by the table, and 50,000 rows are returned by the query. The performance of the query should be enhanced. Which action should be performed to achieve the goal?()
A. A primary XML index should be created on the XML column. B. Statistics should be created on the nvarchar columns. C. A view should be created, and only the four columns that the query utilizes are contained by a view. D. A composite index should be created on the three nvarchar columns, and INCLUDE should be specified for the XML column. [单项选择]在规定的试验条件下,液体或固体能发生持续燃烧的最低温度称为()。
A. 自燃点 B. 闪点 C. 自燃 D. 燃点 [单选题]关于砂浆强度等级M0的说法正确的是( )。
A.①③ B.①② C.③④ D.② [单选题]对于站内采用ZPW-2000型轨道电路的高速铁路车站,不发送()低频码。
A.11.4HZ B.13.6HZ C.27.9HZ D.26.8Hz [判断题]掘进机司机离开操作台时,必须断开电气控制开关和掘进机上的隔离开关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下侵袭性牙周炎的诊断依据是
A.少数牙松动、移位 B.邻面深袋 C.局部刺激物少,口腔卫生状况与炎症不符 D.微生物学检查发现伴放线聚集杆菌 E.以上均是 我来回答: 提交