Everybody loathes it, but everybody
does it A recent poll showed that 20% of Americans hate the practice. It seems
so arbitrary, after all. Why does a barman get a tip, but not a doctor who saves
lives In America alone, tipping is now a $ 16 billion-a-year industry. Consumers acting rationally ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service. Tips should not exist. So why do they The conventional wisdom is that tips both reward the efforts of good service and reduce uncomfortable feelings of inequality. The better the service, the bigger the tip. Such explanations no doubt explain the purported origin of tipping--in the 16th century, boxes in English taverns carried the phrase "To Insure Promptitude" (later just "TIP") . But according to new research from Cornell University, tipping no longer serves any useful func A. it is a universal regular for the customers to pay a tip for good service B. there exists the tipping custom in each country C. in some countries, tipping has become an industry D. more and more people are in favor of tipping [判断题]若开关柜检测结果与环境背景值、历史数据或邻近开关柜检测结果的差值大于10dBmV,应查明原因
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,38岁。腹痛、反酸9年。1周来症状加重,并出现夜间痛,进食能部分缓解。诊断首先考虑
A. 胃癌 B. 肠易激综合征 C. 慢性胃炎 D. 十二指肠球部溃疡 E. 胃溃疡合并幽门梗阻 [单项选择]开始添加软饭的月龄是()
A. 0.5个月 B. 1~3个月 C. 4~6个月 D. 7~9个月 E. 10~12个月 [单项选择]A: Hello. Customer Service. What can I do for you
B: Yes. There's something wrong with my electric oven. It doesn't work now. A: All right. May I have your telephone number and address B: ______ A. I beg your pardon. B. What do you need C. Sure. Here you are. D. Please just forgive m [单选题]锅炉使用单位应当按照安全技术规范要求进行锅炉水(介)质处理,并接受( )的定期检验。
A.安监局 B.防疫部门 C.自来水公司 D.特种设备检验机构 [单选题]安全是( )
A.没有危险的状态 B.没有事故的状态 C.舒适的状态 D.生产系统中人员免遭不可承受危险的伤害 [单项选择]以下哪项是固定桥最重要的支持基础?()
A. 牙周膜 B. 牙槽骨 C. 牙龈 D. 结合上皮 E. 粘膜 [简答题]以下是某C程序段,其功能是计算出某一天是一年中的第几天,请仔细阅读程序并完成要求。
# include<stdio.h> struct days int year; int month; int date; day; void main( ) struct days *P; int nun=0,i; int met3]=0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31; P=&day; printf("please input the day:/n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&(P->year),&(P->month),&(P->date)); for(i=0;i<(p->month);i++) num+=m[i]; hum+=(p->date); if((p->year)%4==0&&(P->year)%i00 1=0||(p->year)%400==0) if((p->month)>2) num++: printf("This day is%d day in the year./n",hum); 设计一组测试用例,使该程序所有函数的语句覆盖率和分支覆盖率均能达到100%。如果认为该程序的语句或分支覆盖率无法达到100%,需说明为什么。 [单选题]发现商品质量问题,在验收时应拒收,已经上柜的( )作撤柜处理。
A.第一时间 B.当天 C.三天之内 D.一周内 [单项选择]治疗上首选()
A. 悬吊牵引 B. 皮肤牵引 C. 骨牵引 D. 手术切开复位内固定 E. 手法复位外固定 [单选题]心脏骤停的病理生理机制最常见的是( )
A.心室颤动 B.室性心动过速 C.电机械分离 D.第三度房室传导阻滞 E.心室停顿 [判断题]大型养路机械捣固、稳定车作业,三捣两稳作业后,开通后第一列45km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述阀门定位器在调节阀控制中起何作用?
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