Jazz is a kind of music that has often
been called the only art form to originate in the United States. The history of
(31) began in the late 1800’s. The music grew from a
(32) of influences, including black American music, African
rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and
forms. Much of the best jazz is still written and (33) in
the United States. But musicians from many other countries are (34)
major contributions to jazz. Jazz was actually (35)
appreciated as an important art form in Europe (36)
it gained such recognition in the United States. The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from (37) life. As jazz grew (38) popularity, its sou A. spoken B. shown C. understood D. performed [单项选择]新项目与过去成功开发过的一个项目类似,但规模更大,这时应该使用______进行项目开发设计。
A. 原型法 B. 变换模型 C. 瀑布模型 D. 螺旋模型 [不定项选择题]A.分离移位
A.短缩移位 B.成角移位 C.旋转移位 D.侧方移位 E.骨折移位中最少出现的是 [判断题]列车必须分部运行时,车站值班员(列车调度员)应将机车进入区间挂取遗留车辆的方向通知请求救援的司机,司机应按规定设置防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution_______.
A. caused widespread damage in the countryside B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States C. had damaged effect on health D. existed merely in urban and industries areas. [多选题]建筑施工生产经营单位的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员必须具备相应的( )和( ),并应由主管的负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门对其安全生产知识和管理能力考核合格。
A.思想政治素质 B.安全生产知识 C.管理能力 D.生产能力 E.自我约束 [单项选择]郭沫若曾赴哪国留学,并在该期间广泛接触西方文学和哲学?()
A. 英国 B. 德国 C. 法国 D. 日本 [填空题]极化是指天线辐射的()在空间的取向。
[多选题]( )615.根据《建筑工程五方责任主体项目负责人质量终身责任追究暂行办法》,发生工程质量事故,施工企业项目经理承担的法律责任有()
A.项目经理为相关注册执业人员的,责令停止执业2年 B.构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任 C.处单位罚款数额5%以上10%以下的罚款 D.向社会公布曝光 E.项目经理为相关注册执业人员的,吊销执业资格证书,5年以内不予注册 [单选题]变压器正常运⾏时,理想状态是希望流⼊差动回路的差流为零。( )
A.对 B.错 我来回答: 提交