Many teenagers feel that the most
important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their
family members don’t know them as their friends do. In large families, it is
quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can
only go to their friends for some ideas. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with themselves on the phone. This communication (交际) is very important in children’ s growth, because friends can discuss something. These things are difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose friends for their children. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting some of their best friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions: Who chooses your friends7 Do you choose your A. stay alone at home B. fight with their parents C. discuss it with their friends D. go to their brothers and sisters for help [多选题]未经国务院期货监督管理机构审核并报国务院批准,期货交易所不得从事的业务活动有( )。
A.股票投资 B.非自用不动产投资 C.信托投资 D.为期货交易提供集中履约担保 [单项选择]下列关于银行资产、负债利率风险的说法,不正确的是()。
A. 当市场利率上升时,银行资产价值下降 B. 当市场利率上升时,银行负债价值上升 C. 资产的久期越长,资产的利率风险越大 D. 负债的久期越长,负债的利率风险越大 [名词解释]工艺装置
A. 和波束用于询问接收信息,差波束用于旁瓣抑制,控制波束用于产生方位信息 B. 和波束用于询问接收信息,差波束用于产生方位信息,控制波束用于旁瓣抑制 C. 和波束用于旁瓣抑制,差波束用于询问接收信息,控制波束用于产生方位信息 D. 和波束用于产生方位信息,差波束用于旁瓣抑制,控制波束用于询问接收信息 [多选题]烟草专卖局可以依法享有哪些监督检查权利?( )
A.对持证人生产经营的烟草专卖品进行抽样检查、检验、检测 B.对持证人的生产场所进行实地检查 C.检查时,可以查阅或者要求持证人提供有关情况和报送有关材料 D.对持证人的仓储场所进行实地检查 [单项选择]脑卒中恢复后期康复措施不包括()
A. 预防并发症和继发性损害 B. 重视职业、社会、心理康复 C. 适时使用必要的辅助器具以补偿患肢功能 D. 继续进行维持性康复训练,以防止功能退化 E. 对患者功能不可恢复或恢复很差者,充分发挥健侧的代偿功能 [单项选择]在干细胞培养中,加入EP后可形成下列何种集落( )
A. CFU-G B. CFU-M C. CFU-E D. CFU-Meg E. CFU-GM [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)9.4.5规定:以下对于操作票的执行描述正确的是( )。
A.操作中发生事故事件时,应马上恢复原有设备运行方式 B.操作临时变更时,应按实际情况重新填写操作票方可继续进行倒闸操作 C.操作中发生疑问,应立即停止操作,并及时汇报,经查明问题并确认后,方可继续操作,不应擅自更改操作票 D.按新(改)建设备投产方案进行操作时,若操作中出现问题,应由方案审批人重新核准后,方可继续操作 [单项选择]Communication between a young couple is a(n) ______ business.
A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate [简答题] To apply the word "system" to anything the Americans do is a bit optimistic. For example, the term "health care system" masks the fact that the provision of health care in the United States is anything but systematic. Many people can’’t afford to go to the doctor or pay for (47)______ insurance. Then again, the " criminal justice system" (48)______ that criminals are treated fairly and justice is served, (49)______ anyone who has been involved with the courts knows that this is far from the truth.
The Americans’’ need to talk to each other means that the telephone system is the best in the world. (50)______, the American love for the automobile has driven all other forms of transportation into the ground, and the average city’’s public transportation is expensive, slow, and (51)______ Another system that really (52)______ in the United States is the highway system. When General Eisenhower was commanding the U. S. forces in the European (53)______, he saw Hitler’’s autobahns an
A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 600 [判断题]包庇黑社会性质组织罪的客观方面表现为包庇黑社会性质的组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]LKJ2000型监控装置有文件可能是()故障。
A.主机板 B.模拟板 C.地面信息板 [多选题]下列属于空调蒸发器的特点的是( )。
A.内螺纹铜管,交错排列 B.不锈钢板框架 C.内螺纹铜管与铜箔散热片间机械胀紧 D.散热片:铜箔 [单选题]可以直接现与的器件是( )
A.OC门 B.I2L门 C.ECL门 D.TTL门 [单项选择]He (had got) (lesser) (coins) than (the other boys).
A. had got B. lesser C. coins D. the other boys [多项选择]根据《中国移动业务支撑系统工程通用验收规范》,实体要求包括关键属性和业务规则两部分内容,实体验收时,进行结合验证的方法,正确的是()。
A. 在前台界面(业务受理)查看实体是否存在,关键属性是否齐备 B. 根据数据库设计文档,检查规范定义实体概念模型与数据库中相关物理模型的映射关系 C. 结合前台界面(业务受理),在后台数据库中查看实体是否存在,实体的关键属性是否齐备 D. 在前台界面(业务受理)或查看后台数据库,验证实体是否满足相应的业务规则 [单项选择]含磺酰胺基的非甾体抗炎药是()。
A. 舒林酸 B. 吡罗昔康 C. 别嘌醇 D. 丙璜舒 E. 秋水仙碱 [判断题]【题文】生产经营单位使用被派遣劳动者的,可以与被派遣劳动者约定是否享有安全生产方面的权利、履行安全生产方面的义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 绝缘斗臂车工作斗上升途中,对可能触及范围内的低压带电固件,根据需要选择绝缘遮蔽。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交