The other day we were discussing jobs
in school. Our teacher, Mrs. White, said it was never too early to think about
your life’s work. Most children were really too sure about what they wanted to
do. And then Mrs. White asked me, I said, "A truck (卡车) driver." "Why do you want to be a truck driver, Tommy " she asked. "Because truck drivers don’t have to sit at the desks all day. They are out on the road and they see a lot of the country. The pay is good, too. And you never have any homework." The class laughed. "Well, Tommy. I guess that you don’t like sitting at a desk or doing homework. Is that so, Tommy " Mrs. White answered. "Yes, I guess so." "Well, since you are so interested in becoming a truck driver, I think you should investigate (调查) the field a little further (更远,而且). I want you to go to the library and tak [单选题][题号:24;鉴定点:AAA007;选择题;爱岗敬业作为职业道德的重要内容,是指员工( )。
A.热爱自己喜欢的岗位 B.热爱有钱的岗位 C.强化职业责任 D.不应多转行 [多选题]施工技术管理资料主要包括施工组织设计、方案、( )设计变更、设计交底、洽商记录等。
A. 施工日志 B. 技术交底 C. 开工资料 D. 图纸会审 [单选题]急性白血病的典型临床特征是()
A.发热、贫血、出血、白血病细胞浸润 B.发热、贫血、出血 C.肝、脾、淋巴结肿大 D.恶液质 [单选题]在对安全气囊系统进行作业时,必须按照什么顺序连接蓄电池?
A.打开点火开关,确保没有人在车内,连接蓄电池 B.连接蓄电池,打开点火开关 C.断开安全气囊控制单元的电气连接,打开点火开关,连接蓄电池 D.没有什么顺序,注意安全就行 [多选题]24、下列刑事案件中应当由中级人民法院作为第一审法院的有( )
A. 危害国家安全案件 B.恐怖活动案件 C.可能判处无期徒刑的案件 D.可能判处死刑的案件 [填空题]Oxford and Cambridge (11) from the rest of the universities in Great Britain in many important (12) , but resemble each other quite closely.
Oxford was founded in the 12th century. There are (13) thirty-five colleges: three are for women only and the (14) take both men and women. There are at present approximately 9400 students in residence, of whom over a third are women. The city of Oxford is popular with tourists because of the University’s many (15) medieval buildings. [多选题]《消防救援队伍培训费管理规定》中,下列选项中属于在培训中严禁的事项有()?
A.A.严禁组织高消费娱乐健身活动 B.严禁使用培训费购置电脑、复印机、打印机、传真机等固定资产以及开支与培训无关的其他费用 C.严禁在培训费中列支公务接待费、会议费 D.严禁套取培训费设立“小金库” [判断题]C-1601塔顶温度是通过C-1606底部凝液回流量FICA-16051来控制的。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]TW-2驼峰自动控制系统当办理机车上下峰的调车信号后,向进路上的减速器自动发出()指令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]第三次全教会对基础教育课程体系建设的要求是国家课程、地方课程和( )
A.活动课程 B.社会课程 C.学校课程 D.特色课程 [单选题]通过交谈或问卷的方法了解一些人对某一事件的感受、态度和行为,在医学心理学的研究方法中属于
A.调查研究 B.临床观察研究 C.个案研究 D.实验研究 E.心理测验研究 [不定项选择题]关于BAS模块下列说法正确的是( )
A.DO数字量输出 B.AI 模拟量输入 C.DI 模拟量输入 D.AI 数字量输入 [单选题]设置人力制动机( 紧固器)前,应排尽该车( )余风,并确认车辆缓解和闸链完好。
A.主风缸 B.副风缸 C.主副风缸 D.制动缸 [填空题]道岔吊板严重磨损时,列车通过道岔上下振动便密贴调整杆既受上下振动,又受()的力。
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