It is all very well to blame traffic
jams, the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern
life, but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. Every body knows
that the{{U}} 62 {{/U}}men become monsters behind the wheel. You might
tolerate the odd road {{I}}hog {{/I}}(乱开车的司机), the rude and{{U}} 63
{{/U}}driver, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the{{U}} 64
{{/U}}to the rule. Perhaps the situation calls for a "Be Kind to Other Drivers"
campaign,{{U}} 65 {{/U}}it may get completely out of hand. Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to{{U}} 66 {{/U}}the temptation to revenge when subjected{{U}} 67 {{/U}}uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the{{U}} 68 {{/U}}of mo A. Unfortunately B. Doubtfully C. Thankfully D. Basically [判断题]( )暴雨预警信号为红色时,表明在刚过去的3小时内,当地降雨量已达100毫米以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]通信站的辅助配套设备有哪些?
[单选题]配电所控制电缆数字标号范围为( )
A. 1-100 B. 100-199 C. 200-299 D. 300-399 [单选题]作业人员对电力安全工作规程应( )考试一次。
A.每六个月 B.每年 C.每两年 D.每三年 [单项选择]根据《合同法》的规定,当事人对合同变更的内容约定不明确的,应( )。
A. 由当事人诉请人民法院裁决 B. 由当事人申请仲裁委员会裁决 C. 推定为未变更 D. 视为已变更 [单项选择]普通牛羊皮在制成皮鞋前要经过()处理?
A. 擦拭 B. 打磨 C. 打蜡抛光 D. 加热 [判断题]编写地质设计钻时录井项目时,通常要求非目的层段每3m一点,目的层段每l~2m一点。()
[填空题]For many people in the U.S., sports are not just for fun. They are almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in (1) . Other fans watch the games at home, not leaving their TV sets a minute. The most (2) sports fans never miss a game. Many a wife becomes a "sports widow" during her husband’s favorite season. America’s devotion to athletics has created a new class of (3) people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money appearing in (4) for soft drinks, shoes and so on.
Not all Americans (5) sports, but athletics are an important part of their culture. Throughout their school life, Americans learn to play many sports. All students take physical education classes in school. Athletic events at universities attract many fans and (6) the whole community. Many people also enjoy non-competitive [单选题]道岔区段轨道电路红光带接车作业的行车凭证为()
A.信号楼值班员命令 B.车场调度命令 C.引导信号 D.行车调度命令 [单选题]下列不属于实施深井、地下等相对密闭空间救援时应采取的保护措施?( )
A.利用未进行固定救援三脚架实施救援 B.应佩戴空(氧)气呼吸器或使用移动供气源等防护装备。 C.使用正压式排烟机、送风机、气瓶等进行吹扫置换,降毒增氧。 D.设置警戒或围栏,采取支撑稳固措施,防止人员拥挤和井口塌落。 [判断题]对眼睛等特殊部位进行洗消时,应洗消充分,必要时相互协助或由专业人员负责实施;有毒有害物质沾染皮肤时,应立即去除衣物,用大量的水进行冲洗10分钟、彻底洗消,情况严重或沾染强腐蚀性和剧毒物质必须及时就医。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]苯硝化生产硝基苯中,苯绝热连续硝化法,硝化釜串联操作,苯过量()。
A.20%-30% B.5%-10% C.10%-20% 我来回答: 提交