①CID用来记录用户选择的商品; ②CNUM用来记录相应商品的数量。
表7-4 Session对象处理方式表
购物情况 |
Session对象处理方式 |
用户订购商品且购物车为空时 |
(1) |
购物车非空,购物车中没有当前订购的商品 |
[单项选择]从天然药物中提取的有效物质及特殊制剂可以实行保护的级别为() A. 1级 B. 2级 C. 3级 D. 4级 E. 5级
[单选题]TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机系统,监控机用( )通信板与电务维修机通信. A.A、PC-01 B.B、以太网卡 C.C、STD-01
[判断题]( )烟叶霉变、压油、虫蛀的检验中,抽取成品片烟烟箱,打开并扒开表面的烟叶100~200mm厚度,翻看烟叶有无霉变、压油、虫蛀烟的情况。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多选题] 注册登记安全检验和在用机动车安全检验时,车身反光标识应满足以下要 求 ()。 A.货车(多用途货车除外)、货车底盘改装的专项作业车和挂车(设置有符合 规定的车辆尾部标志板的专项作业车、旅居挂车除外)后部车身反光标识的粘贴 要求和材料类型(反光膜型或反射器型)应符合GB 7258、GB 23254的规定,反 射器型车身反光标识固定应可靠; B.反光膜型车身反光标识为红白单元相间的条状反光膜材料,表面应完好、无 破损;红白单元每一单元的长度应不小于150mm且不大于450mm,宽度可为 50mm,75mm或100mm;红色单元上应加施有符合规定的CCC标识。(白色单元) C.所有货车(半挂牵引车、多用途货车除外)、货车底盘改装的专项作业车和 挂车(旅居挂车除外),侧面粘贴的车身反光标识应符合GB 7258、GB 23254的 规定; D.粘贴/安装的车身反光标识应印有符合规定的强制性产品认证标志。
[单项选择]急性上呼吸道感染主要的病原体为病毒,少数为细菌,区别病毒和细菌感染,以下检查效果不满意的是() A. 胸部CT B. 病毒分离鉴定 C. 酶联免疫吸附检测法 D. 血清学诊断 E. 免疫荧光法
[单项选择]属于健康性护理诊断的是() A. 活动无耐力 B. 清理呼吸道无效 C. 有窒息的危险 D. 母乳喂养有效 E. 语言沟通有效
[单选题]严禁拉票贿选,要做到( )个不准。 A.2 B.3 C.4
[单项选择]A scientist interested in general knowledge about oxygen would probably call his approach ______. A. applied science B. chemical science C. pure science D. environmental science
[单项选择]外科的定名是在 A. 唐代 B. 宋代 C. 元代 D. 明代 E. 清代
[填空题]1928 年,中共六大在莫斯科召开,是唯一一次在国外召开的党的代表大会。这次大会制 定的路线基本是正确的,但仍旧把()放在全党工作的中心,也对中国革命的发展产生了消极影响。
[单选题]主阀 A.主阀 B.紧急阀 C.中间体 D.半自动缓解阀
协同时确定的联络方式与飞行机组进行联络。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]枕骨骨折的最佳摄影位置是() A. 前后位 B. 后前位 C. 水平侧位 D. 汤氏位 E. 颅底位
[单项选择]列车的制动距离在运送人员时不得超过()。 A. 60m B. 40m C. 20m
[判断题]GA767-2008 消防控制室通用技术要求4.1.5消防控制室应有值班情况、消防安全检查情况及巡查情况的记录。 A.正确 B.错误
Separation may Help Improve Marriage Marriage is big lately;actually it's unmarriage that seems to be capturing our attention.From the award-winning American Beauty to the Bruce Willis-Michelle Pfeiffer movie,The story of Us,the institution of marriage is being turned inside out,and it's not a pretty sight.To judge by these films,modern marriage involves a lot of broken crockery and busted expactations.While many current Hollywood depictions of marriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America are alarming:each year half as many Americans get divorced as marry. Marriage counselors say couples often choose to separate as a last-ditch effort to change their relationship and possibly themselves.“Many trial separations don't work because they're not‘authentic'.They're just one person's way of getting out of the relationship,” says Harriet Lerner,author of the book The Dance of Anger.But a separation can give couples time to calm down,renegotiate the rules of the relationship and gain some needed distance. For a separation to work,it needs to be well defined.Constance Ahrons,directors of the Marriage and Family Therapy Training program at the University of Southern California, says“structured separations”tend to be the most productive.Couples facing separation do best if they establish some basic ground rules first.They should mutually agree on the length of the separation一Ahrons says three to six months is average一and both must continue to work on their own problems during that time,either with or without a counselor. Couples should agree not to see lawyers during their separation.Lawyers have a way of moving marriage toward divorce.During their period of trial separation,couples should not pursue each other at all,either to fight or to reconcile,but should agree in advance on what kind of contact they will have.Separated couples can agree to speak on the phone for a prearranged period,for instance,or meet once a week.Some therapists advise their clients to agree not to talk to each other about their relationship during these encounters and to use the time apart to reflect on their own lives and see what they can change about themselves.If there are children involved,Ahrons says,both parties need to agree on all the ground rules having to do with kids.Parents should also be aware that repeated separations and reconciliations are difficult and confusing for children. Ahrons says a separation,while painful,can help keep the anger down and give a couple time to think.If both are unsure about the future of the marriage,it can provide a time-out, during which they can see what life would be like without the other.“Sometimes”,Ahrons says,“a separation can lead back into marriage.Sometimes it leads to divorce.But if couples are able to clarify things,it will improve their marriage一or,make their divorce better.”
Which of the following is not included in the advantages of separation between a couple?
A.To get rid of the relationship as a couple.
B.To provide time to cool off for the couple.
C.To discuss about the regulations of their relationship again.
D.To obtain certain necessary distance between the couple.
[多选题] 列车运行中发生弓网故障时,机车乘务员应立即()。 A.退流 B.关辅机 C.断电 D.降弓 E.停车
[单项选择]女性,50岁。乏力,活动后气急2年,近1月来出现腹部胀大伴下肢水肿入院。以往有乙型肝炎,体检:巩膜黄染,心界向两侧扩大,心尖搏动及第一心音减弱,心尖区有Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,两肺底少量湿性啰音。腹水明显,肝脾无法扪清,下肢水肿。血压120/70mmHg。肝功测定结果:TB20μmol/L,CB8μmol/L,ALT40U。心电图V1~V5呈rS。入院后给予西地兰及速尿、静滴硝酸甘油,呼吸困难好转。10天后随访心电图示高度房室传导阻滞,心室率60次/分,频发多源性室性早搏,血钾4.5mmol/L,此时考虑:() A. 洋地黄中毒 B. 心衰合并室性早搏 C. 电解质紊乱 D. 心衰加重 E. 洋地黄用量不足 F. 速尿过量
[单项选择]{{B}}Set 5{{/B}}
{{B}}Temperature{{/B}} Three scales of
temperature, each of which permits a precise measurement, are in concurrent use:
the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales. These three different temperature
scales were each developed by different people and have come to be used in
different situations. The scale that is most widely used by the
general public in the United States is the Fahrenheit scale. In 1714, Daniel
Gabriel Fahrenheit, a German physicist who was living in Holland and operating
an instrument business, developed a mercury-in-glass thermometer and the
temperature scale that still carries his name. His original scale had two fixed
points: 0°was the lowest temperature that he could achieve in a solution of ice,
water, and salt, and 96°was what he believed was the normal te A. 223° on the Kelvin scale. B. 273° on the Kelvin scale. C. 323° on the Kelvin scale. D. 373° on the Kelvin scale.
[多选题]作业人员安全责任描述正确的是( )。 A.A-熟悉作业范围、内容及流程 B.B-参加作业前的安全交底 C.C-正确使用施工机具、安全工器具 D.D-正确使用劳动防护用品
[多选题]停泊交接班时,交班驾驶员应告知接班驾驶员( ) A.船舶吃水 B.气象与海况 C.开工舱口数及工班数 D.装卸进度和货物隔票与衬垫情况
[单选题][T]A-A-A-003 4 2 1 树立质量第一、信誉为重的观念,要求从业人员具有强烈的()。 A.服务意识 B.质量意识 C.信誉意识 D.合作意识
[单项选择]治疗急性胃炎出现恶心呕吐,应首选()。 A. H2受体拮抗剂 B. 补水 C. 纠正电解质紊乱 D. 胃复安 E. 阿莫西林
[单选题]机翼防冰显示在EM上的哪个位置? A.EM引气页面无机翼防冰系统显示 B.当机翼防冰按钮被按下时在EM引气页面上显示白色“ANTI-ICE”(防冰)字样 C.当机翼防冰按钮按下且活门打开时EM引气页面上的一个绿色箭头 D.以上答案
[单项选择]A. In a company. B. In a hospital. C. On a bus. D. In a department store.
[单选题]施工资质为施工单位取得的由()颁发的工程施工资质证书。 A.国家建设主管部门 B.国家电力监管部门 C.国家工程管理部门 D.国家设计主管部门
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