A recent development is the local area
network (LAN). (21) its name implies, it (22)
a local area—possibly as small as a single room, typically an area
like an university campus or the premises of a particular business. Local area
networks were developed to (23) a need specific to
microcomputers—the sharing of expensive resources. Microcomputers are cheap,
(24) highcapacity disc stores, fast and/or good quality
printers, etc. are expensive. The object of the LAN is to allow (25)
microcomputers shared access to these expensive resources. Since the
microcomputers are (26) , it is a necessary feature of a LAN
that the method of connection to the network, and the network hardware
(27) , must also be cheap. A local area network links a number of computers and a number of sewers (28) provide c A. and B. but C. yet D. so [判断题]口头语言视时间、场合、对象的不同而有所不同,对上司或长者说话,应文雅些;对一般同事或顾客说话,就可通俗。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]派许体系价格指数主张( )。
A. 以基期销售量为同度量因素 B. 以报告期销售量为同度量因素 C. 以基期价格为同度量因素 D. 以报告期价格为同度量因素 [判断题]作为消防供水员必须熟悉、掌握责任区市政和单位内部消火栓的数量、位置,以及其他可供灭火使用水源设施的位置和情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]专业技术人员的政治素质包括专业技术人员从事领导活动必须具备的()。
A. 政治立场 B. 政治纪律 C. 政治鉴别力 D. 政治敏锐性 [简答题]APU 启动期间最大 EGT 为(35000ft 以下)
[单项选择] This is offered as a textbook illustration of the principle that voters are far shrewder than most politicians believe. This case study highlighting Washington’’s inability to fool anyone is based on a recent survey of the attitudes of people on Medicare about their new prescription-drug benefit.
Last fall, when Congress added prescription-drug coverage to Medicare, the new law was hailed as a political masterpiece. Congressional Democrats, who overwhelmingly opposed the bill, thundered that they, too, were eager to provide a drug benefit under Medicare, but they championed alternative legislation that offered a larger drug subsidy and smaller incentives to health insurers to participate. Liberals such as Sen. Edward Kennedy were confident that the drug bill, with plenty of holes in its benefit formulas, would inevitably be expanded around the time it took effect.
Not many in Congress seemed troubled that the federal budget was deep in deficit, the nation was saddled with
A. the capital city of the United States of America B. a textbook on American politics C. what the author is going to write D. a statement that the American government cannot fool its people [单选题]治疗晕厥实证者,宜加用
A.关元、气海 B.合谷、太冲 C.十宣、气海 D.内关、百会 E.十二井穴 [单项选择]张某是甲期货公司的客户,甲期货公司因风险控制不力致使保证金出现缺口,申请使用期货投资保障基金,张某保证金损失15万元。张某可能得到期货投资者保障基金补偿的最大金额为( )。
A. 15万元 B. 14.50万元 C. 14万元 D. 10万元 [简答题]某市南关区岳阳税务征管所肖某、李某和陈某在对市造纸阀门厂进行税务检查时,认为该厂偷逃税款,遂将其会计账簿带回所内查验。经查认定其偷逃税3万元,即责令限期缴纳并处罚款6万元。该厂不服,申请复议,复议机关维持原处罚决定。在该厂柜不履行期间,税务局扣押了其生产设备,致其停产5个月,日常开支3.6万元,损失可得利润8.2万元;并会同公安局将其法定代表人梁某行政拘留15日。该厂向人民法院提起赔偿诉讼。此间,该厂并入华伟纸业有限公司。请问:
谁有权以原告身份起诉为什么 [单项选择]女性,20岁,1型糖尿病患者,出现恶心、厌食2天,神志不清1小时,查体面色潮红,呼吸深快,意识障碍。诊断方面最可能是
A. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 B. 糖尿病高渗性昏迷 C. 乳酸性酸中毒 D. 糖尿病合并尿毒症酸中毒 E. 低血糖昏迷 [单项选择]一张加写保护的软盘( )
A. 既向外传染病毒又会感染病毒 B. 既不会向外传染病毒也不会感染病毒 C. 不会传染病毒,但会感染病毒 D. 不会感染病毒,但会传染病毒 [单选题](2013年)偿债备付率是指投资方案在借款偿还期内()的比值。
A.息税前利润与当期应还本付息金额 B.税后利润与上期应还本付息金额 C.可用于还本付息的资金与上期应还本付息金额 D.可用于还本付息的资金与当期应还本付息金额 [单选题]患者,女,脑出血昏迷。护士为其做口腔护理时,取下的活动性义齿应放人
A.冷水中 B.热水中 C.生理盐水中 D.乙醇中 E.朵贝尔溶液中 [单选题]办理即期结售汇时,如因结售汇有会等原因发生了亏损的情况,分行运营部门需凭()方可提交亏损记账。
A.分行审批意见(机构邮件或纸质联系单) B.客户情况说明 C.特殊操作任务书 D.以上均是 [判断题]持票人超过提示付款期提示付款的,各行社可以拒绝受理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《国家电网有限公司输变电工程施工分包安全管理办法》规定,公司实行不良分包人员管理制度。不良分包人员在解除前,不得在公司系统()项目中使用。
A.以外单位参建 B.各单位管理或参建 C.备案 D.在建施工 [单项选择]He smokes ______ as he can afford.
A. as a cigarette expensive B. an as expensive cigarette C. as expensive a cigarette D. so expensive a cigarette [单选题]护士不慎被注射后的针头刺伤,必须立即处理的正确做法是
A.清创、消毒、记录 B.冲洗伤口、包扎、报告 C.挤血、包扎、报告 D.挤血并冲洗伤口、清创、消毒、包扎、报告和记录 E.清创、包扎、报告和记录 我来回答: 提交