{{B}}Kodak Is Changing the Picture{{/B}} In September 2003, Mr Carp, CEO of Kodak, announced what he called the "biggest taming point" in Kodak’s history. There would, he said, be no more big investments in traditional film. He also reduced the company’s dividend by 72% to finance a $3 billion investment. By 2010, Mr Carp hopes for an income of $ 20 billion. In 2002, some 70% of the company’s income came from its traditional film products, the remainder from digital. By 2006, the plan is for digital inc [单选题]因地域或者工作性质特殊,需要变通执行任职回避的,由()级以上公务员主管部门规定。
A.乡镇 B.地市 C.省 D.中央 [多选题]新氢纯度高,对加氢反应的影响是( )。
A. 循环氢纯度高 B. 氢分压高 C. 反应器温度分布均匀 D. 氢耗低 [单项选择]Questions 26-30are based on the following form:
New York Times’’ Electronic Classified Ads:
Job Title: Banking
Employer: Confidential
Source: NY Times, Electronic Classified Ads
Location: New York, NY
Date: 09-16-2005
We are a growing domestic bank who expand staff for our new branches. Branch Managers 2+yrs exp in Br Mgmt, knwlg in all mklg skills. Tellers (F/T, P/T) Banking experience preferred, Customer Serv Reps (F/T, P/T) Banking background must. Qualified candidates should e-mail resume to hr@doralbankny.com or fax to 212-329-3745. Doral Bank is an EOE. For more details visit www.doralbankny.com
Based on what you read, the ad is intended for the______.
A. recruitment B. product promotion C. banking service D. banking reform [单项选择]片剂的外文缩写是()。
A. Sol B. Pj C. Tab D. Mcc E. Syr [填空题]动态规划算法的两个基本要素是()和()。
A. 现消毒、再固定 B. 现消毒、再止血 C. 先固定、再止血 D. 先止血、再固定 [多选题]禁止使用制动装置( )的起重机械。
A.电控 B.失灵 C.内置 D.不灵敏 [单选题]在党的建设中,处于首要地位的是( )。
A.思想建设 B.组织建设 C.作风建设 [判断题]接触电压是指人站在带电外壳旁(水平方向 0.8m 处) ,人手触及带电外壳 时,其手、脚之间承受的电位差。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]实行远方遥控操作、程序操作的设备、项目,需经本单位批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
烧伤患者,急性起病,肺动脉楔压≤18mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),使用呼气末正压通气下PaO2/FiO2300mmHg,无左心房高压的临床证据。 有助于诊断的检查是()A. 超声心动图 B. PaO2/FiO2(≤200mmHg) C. 胸部CT D. 胸部X线片 E. 右心导管 F. 气道灌洗液细菌培养 [判断题]特定引导手信号显示方式:夜间为黄色灯光高举头上左右摇动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交