Things were never easy within the
family. But at a time when the family was oriented toward the production of
goods, which alone made the survival of its members possible, there was an
obvious necessity and a rational basis for their living and working together.
Dire necessity did not permit putting into question the very existence of the
family, despite the great emotional demands living together made on each of its
members. Today the main economic activities of the family are in the nature of consumption—however productive may be what some of its members do in society. And from an early age on, each member of the family could survive without its support—since society at large is ready to provide support. It is quite easy to put the existence of the family into question. This happens very frequently, not just as families separate, or fail to be formed, A. it’s quite normal to have frustration accompany with the civilization B. civilization can bring along immediate satisfaction free of charge C. development of civilization costs the human race a large amount of money D. it’ s advisable to blame hardships of family living on each other [名词解释]灭菌
Brian arrived at San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Paris. He was wearing three shirts, a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack, which was very full, but he didn’t have any other luggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round trip ticket and a small package. [简答题]为全面掌握设备运行状态,牵引供电设备管理单位应于每年( )月底前对设备进行一次整体质量鉴定并报铁路局。
[单选题]手持式交叉柱镜红线代表什么,其上的屈光度为?( )
A.负轴,+0.25D B.正轴,+0.25D C.正轴,-0.25D D.负轴,-0.25D [单选题]防火防爆的基本措施包括();严格控制可燃物跑冒滴漏、外溢泄漏;严格控制点火源等措施。
A.增加环境湿度 B.降低环境温度 C.避免形成爆炸混合物 [多项选择]选购内存时,需要注意以下哪几个方面?()
A. 频率要匹配 B. 容量与规格 C. 内存的做工 D. 按需购买 E. 内存插槽 [单选题]直流避雷器例行巡视时,应记录避雷器泄漏电流的指示值及放电计数器的指示数,并与历史数据进行比较。阀厅内避雷器结合()进行数据抄录和分析。
A.在线监测装置 B.停电机会 C.一体化 [单项选择]公安机关的性质、任务决定了公安队伍必须保持政治坚定,站稳政治立场,把握正确方向。因此,加强公安队伍思想政治建设始终要把( )放在首位。
A. 从严治警、依法治警 B. 科教强警 C. 从优等警 D. 政治建警 [单选题]根据《建制镇规划建设管理办法》的规定,下列关于建制镇建设管理的相关内容表述中不正确的是( )。
A.建制镇规划区内的建设工程项目在报请计划部门批准时,必须附有镇级以上建设行政主管部门的选址意见书 B.建设单位和个人在取得建设用地规划许可证后,方可依法申请办理用地批准手续 C.在建制镇规划区内进行建设需要申请用地的,必须持建设项目的批准文件,向建制镇建设行政主管部门申请定点 D.在建制镇规划区内新建、扩建和改建建筑物、构筑物、道路、管线和其他工程设施,已由县级人民政府建设行政主管部门审核批准的,发给建设工程规划许可证 [判断题]特殊残缺、污损人民币兑换业务专用袋及封签应具有不可恢复性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在一般后牙固定桥义齿修复中,由于后牙承受的力大,桥体面应制作成金属,在制作蜡型时,此金属面蜡型厚度为()
A. 4.5~5.0mm B. 3.5~4.0mm C. 2.5~3.0mm D. 1.5~2.0mm E. 0.5~1.0mm [单选题] 多尿是指 24 小时尿量超过:( ) 。
A.1000ml B.1600ml C.1800ml D.2000ml E.2500ml [判断题]C语言中只有相同类型的指针变量才能相互赋值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 青铜的可塑性( )
A. 一般 B.好 C.差 [单项选择]治疗成人呼吸窘迫综合征最有效的措施为()
A. 低浓度持续吸氧 B. 高浓度吸氧 C. 正压机械通气 D. 呼气末正压通气 E. 应用糖皮质激素 [单项选择]施工准备不包括()。
A. 技术准备 B. 材料准备 C. 施工组织 D. 资金准备 [单项选择]The ability to express oneself and to communicate is extremely important for public speakers. It is also important for those who want to _(47)_______ themselves well in a society that is full of (48)_______ competition. How can we gain such ability, especially for those who are born timid and shy
Well, first of all, your (49)______ about the importance of public speaking is absolutely correct. People need to be able to (50)_______ themselves effectively, whether they are going to be a journalist such as you are, whether they are going to be a businessman or businesswoman, whether they are (51)______ education and to be a teacher. And if people are going to law, they have to (52)______ effectively all the time, and much of the communication take the form of public speaking. Some take written form, for example, journalism. We have print journalism and broadcast journalism, but the (53)_______ of effective communication are substantially the same. Of course, all of those are forms of
A. 抗利尿激素增多 B. 肝淋巴液生成过多 C. 肝门静脉压力增高 D. 低白蛋白血症 E. 肾脏排钠排尿减少 F. 继发醛固酮增多 [单项选择]There are two different options available with ITM Corporation common stock as the underlying asset. They each have the same maturity date, a strike price of $40.00, and are identical in all other ways except, one is a European call, and the other is an American call. ITM stock has a market value of $43.75. The American call option is selling for $4.90. For the European call, which of the following option premiums is most likely
[判断题] 化学氧气发生器芯子的主要化学成分是氯酸钠和铁粉。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]You spent a weekend with the Franklins. After you came back, you write a letter to Mrs. Franklin to express your thanks, and telling her about:
1. the happy weekend you spent
2. your thanks to the Franklins
You should write approximately 100 words. Do not put down your own name at the end of the letter. Use" Ann River" instead. And you need not write your address.
A.模温高,注射压力小 B.模温高,注射压力大 C.模温低,注射压力小 D.模温低,注射压力大 [单选题]构成计算机物理实体的部件被称为
A.计算机系统 B.计算机硬件 C.计算机软件 D.计算机程序 E.计算机网络 [单选题]企业根据生产工艺和产品特点,对车间的机床进行科学、合理的布置,这种活动属于生产过程的( )
A.时间组织工作 B.空间组织工作 C.物流组织工作 D.人员配置工作 [单选题]站台紧急停车按钮被按压后,HMI上站台旁会出现什么图标?(____)(1.0分)
A.稳定红色菱形图标 B.稳定黄色菱形图标 C.稳定黄色字符P D.稳定红色字符P [单选题]气体灭火系统无缝钢瓶的使用年限为( )
A.10年 B.20年 C.30年 D.50年 我来回答: 提交