Most parents prize the diversity within
their children’s public schools. They know that learning to cooperate and excel
in a diverse, real-world setting is a key to success in the 21st-century
workplace and marketplace. But how "diverse" and "real-world" is a school that does not have any minority teachers The bad news today is that some 40 percent of America’s public schools have no teachers of color. The good news is that we have an opportunity to recruit and encourage more Americans of color to enter the teaching profession. And our success in doing so can have a powerfully positive impact on student achievement. Obviously, a teacher’s effectiveness depends, first and foremost, on his or her skills and high expectations, not on the teacher’s color. Yet we also know that children of Color—40 percent of the student populat A. give them financial support B. improve the method of testing minority candidates C. set up teachers training department D. simplify the criteria for assessing minority teachers [判断题]全长大于3000m的隧道宜设置固定式照明设施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在地质灾害现场救援时,要设置观察哨,在靠近山体的道路一侧行进。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]T.CW型电脑测长器的股道传感器一、二次间的绝缘电阻应不低于( ).
A.0.01MΩ B.0.1MΩ C.0.15MΩ D.0.5MΩ [多选题](多选题). 药品质量检验必备条件()。
A.要有一支足够数量的合乎要求的检验人员队伍; B.要有足够的检测设备。 C.要有可靠和完善的检测手段; D.要有一套作为依据而又明确的检验标准 [多选题]机关正式党员( )以上的,成立党支部。正式党员( )以上的党支部,设立支部委员会;正式党员( )的党支部,设1名书记,必要时可以设1名副书记。
A.7人 B.3人 C.不足10人 D.不足7人 [单项选择]钢筋焊接网制作中,当双向板底网(或面网)采用的双层配筋时,非受力钢筋的间距不宜大于( )mm。
A. 90 B. 100 C. 110 D. 120 [简答题]国家加强生产安全事故应急能力建设,在重点行业、领域建立应急救援基地和应急救援队伍,并由()统一协调指挥。
[判断题]( )滤棒压降与滤嘴的过滤效率成正相关关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]煤柱支撑法又称刀柱法,适用于()。
A.极坚硬顶板 B.中硬岩顶版 C.软岩顶板 D.各种顶板 [判断题]李某变造已经停止流通的货币并使用,不构成变造货币罪,但构成诈骗罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中生界延长组烃源岩层有几段?
[判断题]( )手持电动工具有两种分类方式,即按工作电压分类和按防潮程度分类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]气相色谱分析有关术语中的tR代表 ( ) 。
A.死时间 B.保留时间 C.调整保留时间 [判断题]高压验电、挂拆接地、高压电气试验、牵张设备操作和配电箱操作等作业人员必须使用绝缘手套。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交