#include "math.h"
double fun(double x){ return (x*x-2*x+6);}
main( )
{ double x,y1,y2;
printf("Enter x:"); scanf("%1f",&x);
Many people like the gigantic whales.
Human sympathy {{U}} (62) {{/U}} whales is only natural of all the
creatures in the sea. {{U}} (63) {{/U}} are closer relatives to us than
these warm-blooded mammals. And how they got into the sea is one of the most
fascinating stories of {{U}} (64) {{/U}} . Most authorities believe that
60 million years ago ancestors of modern whales were four-legged, wolf-size
animals living on the sea shores, {{U}} (65) {{/U}} an abundance of fish
and shrimp tempted them to try wading. Over 10 to 15 million years, their bodies
grew, forelegs shrank into flippers used for {{U}} (66) {{/U}} and
steering and hind legs disappeared. As a result of some amazing transformations,
they arc now helpless on land. If stranded on a beach, they can barely
breathe. With abundant {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of food, whales grew into the A. grown B. trained C. fostered D. developed [填空题]如果去溶剂再生塔的蒸汽里含有非芳烃,分析非芳烃的来源,并将对应的水改去()。
[多项选择]下列项目免征营业税的是( )。
A. 对证券投资基金管理人运用基金买卖股票、债券的差价收入 B. 金融机构的利息收入 C. 个人从事技术转让取得的收入 D. 个人转让著作权 E. 个人出租房产 [单选题]胸膜腔位于
A.胸壁和膈之间 B.胸膜和肺之间 C.胸壁和纵隔之间 D.肋胸膜和纵隔胸膜之间 E.壁胸膜和脏胸膜之间 [单项选择]延度较大的沥青,则其()较好。
A. 气候稳定性 B. 温度稳定性 C. 粘结性 D. 塑性 [多选题]油浸变压器、电抗器在放油及滤油过程中,( )应可靠接地,储油罐和油处理设备本体以及油系统的金属管道应可靠接地,防止静电火花。
A.外壳 B.铁芯 C.夹件 D.各侧绕组 [判断题]在有瓦斯或煤尘爆炸危险的采掘工作面,应采用瞬发电雷管或毫秒延期电雷管爆破。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]基坑的防护是指深度在( )m以上的基础坑。
A.1.0 B.2.0 C.3.0 [判断题]《安全生产许可证条例》应承担的法律责任。该条例规定的法律责任包括安全生产许可证颁发管理机关工作人员违反该条例的法律责任、生产经营单位违反本条例规定应负的法律责任、企业主要负责人违反本条例规定应负的法律责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]辅助支承的作用是什么?辅助支承统与可调支承在功能和结构上的区别是什么?
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