Computer Mouse The basic computer mouse is an amazingly clever invention with a relatively simple design that allows us to point at things on the computer and it is very productive. Think of all the things you can do with a mouse like selecting text for copying and pasting (涂), drawing, and even scrolling on the page with the newer mice with the wheel. Most of us use the computer mouse daily without stopping to think how it works until it gets dirty and we have to learn how to clean it. We learn to point at things before we learn to speak, so the mouse is a very natural pointing device. Other computer pointing devices include light pens, graphics (图形) tablets and touch screens, but the mouse is still our workhorse. [简答题]什么是三相交流电?
A. 轮转法 B. 散列分布 C. 范围分布 D. 投影分布 [单选题]通存通兑业务,代理行和开户行( )完成客户的账务处理;( )完成代理行和开户行之间的资金清算。"
A.实时.日终; B.实时.日间; C.日中.日终; D.日终.实时。" [单选题]正三角脸型,睫毛的修饰应强调( )。
A.外眼角 B.内眼角 C.上睫毛 D.、下睫毛 [多选题]当场处罚的行政处罚决定书应当载明( )
A.当事人的违法行为 B.行政机关名称 C.行政处罚依据 D.罚款数额、时间、地点 [单项选择]有关支气管扩张的治疗措施不正确的是()
A. 恰当体位引流 B. 轮换使用抗生素 C. 禁用支气管扩张剂 D. 积极治疗基础疾病 E. 大咯血可考虑外科手术 [多项选择]工程咨询服务投标文件技术建议书的内容包含( )等。
A. 概述建议书的结构与主要内容 B. 咨询公司的情况与经验 C. 对职责范围的理解与建议 D. 咨询服务费用估算方法 E. 工作进度计划 [判断题]某乡办小井瓦斯检查工王某,自2005年8月下旬起,已测知井下瓦斯浓度日趋上升,但未及时报告处理。9月2日,井下爆破时,王某又没有检查瓦斯,结果爆破引起瓦斯爆炸,死伤多人,属于重大责任事故罪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交