{{B}}A Messenger from the Past{{/B}} His people said good-bye and watched him walk off toward the mountains. They had little reason to fear for his safety: the man was well dressed in insulated clothing and equipped with tools needed to survive the Alpine climate. However, as weeks passed without his return, they must have grown worried, then anxious, and finally resigned, After many years everyone who knew him had died, and a note even a memory of the man remained. Then, on an improbably distant day, he came down from the mountain. Things had changed a bit: it wasn’t the Bronze Age anymore, and he was a celebrity. When a melting glacier released its hold on a 4,000-year-old corpse in September, it was quite rightly called one of the most important archeological finds of the ce [判断题]破产企业内属于他人的财产,在法院受理破产案件后、宣告破产前毁损、灭失的,财产权利人只能以其直接损失额申报债权,作为破产债权人受偿。( )
[判断题]题. 在接触网未停电和未作接地防护的情况下,禁止任何人到内燃机车和电力机车的车顶上进行任何作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](2017年5月)()不是由股东大会选举产生
A.董事会 B.经理班子 C.监事会 D.职能部门负责人 [单选题]胎产式是指
A.胎儿在子宫内的姿势 B.胎儿位置与母体骨盆的关系 C.胎体纵轴与母体纵轴的关系 D.胎儿先露部的指示点与母体骨盆的关系 E.最先进入骨盆入口的胎儿部分 [多选题] 在审核有同案犯的盗窃违法案件中,下列情况必须核实的是( )。
A.证明违法嫌疑人身份的户籍信息 B.违法嫌疑人有共同的故意 C.案件的共同违法行为人是否都实施了盗窃行为 D.案件发生的时间 [单项选择]伯利克里担任首席将军期间,雅典最高的权力机构是()
A. 十将军委员会 B. 陪审法庭 C. 公民大会 D. 五百人会议 [单项选择]关于子宫的解剖,下列哪项错误()。
A. 子宫长7~8cm,宽4~5cm B. 子宫峡部非孕期长约1cm C. 基底层受卵巢激素影响产生周期性变化 D. 固定宫颈的韧带为主韧带 E. 宫颈黏膜上皮能分泌黏液 [单选题]漏电保护装置主要用于()
A.减小设备及线路的漏电 B.防止供电中断 C.减少线路损耗 D.防止人身触电事故及漏电火灾事故 [单选题]内部审计师在系统开发的哪个阶段进行参与最为有效?
A.系统测试阶段 B.系统开发前的调研阶段 C.设计和实施阶段 D.开发后的系统实施阶段 [判断题]擅自离队、旷工或者无故逾假不归,三日以内 的,予以警告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交