Whoever said that victory has many
fathers and defeat is an orphan, surely had never heard of the World Trade
organization (WTO). In the case of the hapless multilateral trade body and its
long suffering representatives, the total failure of the opening meeting of the
so-called Millennium trade round has lots of people boasting of their role in
the violent physical struggle. Well. That’s just brilliant. They are proud of
being part of a movement that wants to wreck the most important engine of
economic growth, prosperity and overall global rising living standards we
have--the freedom of trade and movement of people and goods between
nations. The 135-members WTO is composed of sovereign governments wishing to further this goal and ease the settlement of international trade disputes. From the sounds emanating from Seattle, though, it would now seem the W A. the WTO is likely to have a negative image in people’s mind in the future. B. the WTO will have trouble changing people’s way of thinking in the future. C. the startling scene will probably linger in people’s mind in the years to come. D. people will lose whatever confidence they hold in the future of the WTO. [单选题]钢丝绳端部用绳卡固定连接时,绳卡压板应在钢丝绳主要受力的一边,不准正反交叉设置;绳卡间距不应小于钢丝绳直径的()倍。
A.4 B.5 C.3 D.6 E.略 F.略 [判断题]复核、申诉期间停止处分的执行。消防救授人员不因提出复核、申诉而被加重处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]【作战训练安全常识】灭火救援现场对安全员的相关要求是什么?
A.在灭火救援现场应设置安全员,面积较大时应多点设置。 B.安全员应在内攻入口处做好登记,检查防护装备,明确通信方式、撤离信号等安全事项。 C.安全员不需在内攻入口处做好登记,检查防护装备,明确通信方式、撤离信号等安全事项。 D.安全员必须坚守岗位,与内攻人员保持不间断联络,监督做好接应准备工作,直至内攻人员全部撤出 [单选题]( )体现了作为社会成员的个人的根本利益和长远利益。
A.社会利益 B.社会目标 C.社会规划 D.社会发展 [判断题]GPS在物流配送管理中的应用主要是汽车定位、跟踪调度、陆地救援、船队航线测定、监测及水上救援等。
A. 建立数据库,妥善管理 B. 掌握动态,随时更新 C. 多个渠道完善整理,做到信息共享 D. 注意信息管理的安全性 [判断题]依据《评标委员会和评标方法暂行规定》(七部委12号令),评标活动依法进行,任何单位和个人不得非法干预或者影响评标过程和结果。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电缆敷设应由专人指挥并有明确的联系信号,不得在无指挥信号时随意拉引,以防人员肢体受伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接班人未到,交班人( )离开岗位。
A.A、不准 B.B、可以 C.C、找人替岗 D.D、可以临时 [单项选择]观察工序产品质量分布状态,一是看分布中心位置,二是看( )。
A. 分布的离散程度 B. 极差 C. 变异系数 D. 标准偏差 [单选题] ______ should you do first when heaving up the anchor.
A. Engage the wildcat B. Release the brake C. Release the pawl D. Engage the motor [判断题]预赋值车票的管理应做到单独保存、单独交接,不得与其他车票混放,赋值次日有效,过期作废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]平板闸阀的主要优点是( )。
A.便于清管器通过,适用于清管截断阀门 B.强度高,耐冲击,可用于节流 C.流体流动阻力小,操作轻便 D.维护保养简单,价格低廉 [单项选择]We had a _______ lesson in ideological education yesterday and were deeply impressed.
A. profound B. deep C. extreme D. shallow [单项选择]急性肝肿大患者右上腹部听到血管杂音首先应考虑
A. 慢性活动性肝炎 B. 肝硬化 C. 原发性肝癌 D. 心源性肝硬化 E. 下腔静脉阻塞综合征 [名词解释]主频
[多选题]依据《旅游不文明行为记录管理暂行办法》,旅游者有下列行为( ), 将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。
A.扰乱航空器、车船或者其他公共交通工具秩序 B.破坏公共环境卫生、公共设施 C.损毁、破坏旅游目的地文物古迹 D.参与赌博、色情、涉毒活动 E.破坏生态环境,违反野生动植物保护规定 [多选题]根据《国家电网公司网络与信息系统安全管理办法》,信息系统检修工作是指对处于( )状态的信息系统开展的检测
A.开发 B.备用 C.试运行 D.正式运行 [单项选择]增加底物浓度可解除抑制作用的是()
A. 激动剂 B. 蛋白变性剂 C. 激活剂 D. 竞争性抑制剂 E. 非竞争性抑制剂 [单项选择] Teaching and Learning Medicine Award
Two scientists who have won praise for research into the growth of cancer cells could be candidates for the Nobel prize in medicine when the 2008 winners are presented on Monday , kicking off six days of Nobel announcements.
Australian-born U.S. citizen Elizabeth Blackbum and American Carol Greider have already won a series of medical________(51)for their enzyme(酶)research and experts say they could be among the front-runners for a Nobel.
Only seven women have_______(52)the medicine prize since the first Nobel prizes were________(53) out in 1901. The last female winner was U.S. researcher Linda Buck in 2004, who_______(54)the prize with Richard Axel.
Among the pair’s possible_______(55)are Frenchman Piene Chambon and Americans Ronald Evans and Elwood Jensen, who_________(56) up the field of studying proteins called nuclear hormone receptors(核激素受体).
As usual,the award committee is giving no_________(57) abou
A. means B. passes C. functions D. rises [单选题] 互联网怎样影响了我们的社会和生活,这看上去好像是个______的话题,每个人都能说上几句,但事实上,有几个人能把这个问题说清楚,说细致,说出点儿新意,说出点儿可意会不可言传的______。依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.见仁见智 理由 B.众说纷纭 道理 C.历久弥新 独见 D.老生常谈 妙处 [单选题] ______ know if they fixed his computer?
A. Do you B. Have you C. Are you D. Were you [简答题]简述《戈丹》的思想内容。
[判断题]( )在墩台上作业时,应系好安全带(绳)戴好安全帽。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]垄断使资本本身日益采取社会化形式的表现是
A. 股份公司普遍发展 B. 国家垄断资本主义的出现 C. 跨国公司的出现 D. 国际垄断同盟的发展 [单选题]1.36 关于一窗通办,下列________是不正确的:
A.业务受理、缴费、证件制作在一个窗口完成; B.群众在一个窗口即可办结业务; C.对于现金缴费的,为保证规费资金安全,设立专门的缴费窗口排队缴费; D.对于证件制作量较大的地方,可以设立单独的领证窗口; [单选题]与鉴别无关的代谢产物是
A. 色素 B. 细菌素 C. 硫化氢 D. 维生素 [不定项选择题]A.丙二醇
A.硬脂酸镁 B.氟氯烷烃 C.枸橼酸钠 D.PVP溶液 E.片剂中的润滑剂 我来回答: 提交