Working parents and teachers see after-school programs no longer as optional, but as an essential support for children as they grow and develop, according to a new national study of after-school programs, released by Reader’s Digest Funds. Nearly 80 percent of parents surveyed in the study said that after-school programs helped their children cope with behavioral problems and helped them obtain new skills to meet increased demands in school.
At a time when states and the federal government are pressing harder than ever for improved academic achievement by all children, a three-year study shows that after-school programs, particularly in low-income communities, are an effective and affordable way not only to keep children safe and out of trouble, but also to keep them engaged in school. The report concludes that children in school-based after-school programs benefit both academically and socially in programs that offer a diverse set of activities. The report findings
A. improving children's academics performance.
B. helping parents get better jobs.
C. making children be more obedient.
D. making children be more independent.
One thing the tour books don’t tell you
about London is that 2,000 of its residents are foxes. As native as the royal
family, they fled the city about centuries ago after developers and pollution
moved in. But now that the environment is cleaner, the foxes have come home, one
of the many wild animals that have moved into urban areas around the
world. "The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing," says Gomer Jones, president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife, in Columbia, Maryland. A survey of the wildlife in New York’s Central Park last year tallied the species of mammals, including muskrats, shrews and flying squirrels. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species. One of the country’s largest populations of raccoons(浣熊) now lives in Washington D.C., and moose(驼鹿) A. explain their living habit B. make known their habitat C. show the endeavors of Londoners to make the city habitable for wildlife D. encourage volunteers to do something for the species [多选题]ATS子系统在()的支持下完成对全线列车运行的自动管理与监控。
A.ATP B.ATO C.CBI D.GDI [填空题]法人客户在授信前应先进行( )。
A. 当归散 B. 寿胎丸 C. 胎元饮 D. 桂枝茯苓丸 E. 归脾汤 [填空题]绝缘手套、绝缘靴每()年进行一次电气试验;绝缘拉杆、接地棒每()年进行一次电气试验。
A. 时间肺活量减少 B. 功能残气量及呼吸储备功能减少 C. 肺总顺应性明显降低 D. 肺弹性回缩能力减弱 E. 解剖和生理死腔无明显改变 [多项选择]制定项目质量管理的方针和目标的依据是( )。
A. 国家有关部门关于建设项目质量管理的要求和规定 B. 有关工程建设的各种技术规范和标准 C. WBS D. 委托合同及合同附件规定的各项具体质量要求和规定 E. 质量管理体系 [单项选择]某工地有2000块预制板的吊装任务,已知起重机的台班产量定额是60块/台班,每天工作班数是2,时间利用系数为0.9,要求6天完工,需要几台起重机才能按时完成()
A. 3台 B. 4台 C. 5台 D. 8台 [单项选择]健康相关生活质量评价的内容不包括()。
A. 躯体健康 B. 情绪反应 C. 生活爱好 D. 社会功能 E. 主观满意度 [单选题]危险化学品事故应急救援根据事故( )及其危险程度,可采取单位自救和社会救援两种形式。
A.影响大小 B.波及范围 C.爆炸程度 [单选题] 加压检漏法是先向制冷剂装置内充入( )的高压气体,然后再找出泄露点。
A.1~2千帕 B.1~2兆帕 C.3~4千帕 D.3~4兆帕 [单项选择]Addis计数的正常值为()
A. 红细胞<100万,白细胞<50万,管型<10000个 B. 红细胞<50万,白细胞<100万,管型<5000个 C. 红细胞<100万,白细胞<50万,管型<5000个 D. 红细胞<50万,白细胞<100万,管型<10000个 E. 红细胞<100万,白细胞<200万,管型<10000个 [单项选择]中外合资经营企业的法定组织形式是()
A. 两合公司 B. 股份有限公司 C. 有限责任公司 D. 无限公司 [判断题]( )隧道内排水沟坡度宜与线路坡度相反。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]微型计算机是由中央处理器、内存储器、外存储器和输入输出设备构成的一个完整的计算机系统。( )
[单选题] AC005 涡轮流量计是根据( )完成流量测量的。
A.电磁感应原理 B.介质压差 C.力矩平衡 D.流体能量形式转换 [判断题]()SAN装置当热油加热至 120-150度时应做工作是,逐步彻底排净热油中含有的水
份及空气。 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列属于沟槽的开挖支撑形式的有()。
A. 斜撑 B. 横撑 C. 竖撑 D. 板桩撑 [单选题]AEK003422
道岔全面起道时一般按转辙器、连接部分、辙叉及叉后的顺序进行。先确定一点为起道标准点,标准点确定后、拆除调高垫板,即可按顺序起道。根据调查确定的起道量,以道岔直向外股为标准股,起道负责人在距起道机20至(???)m处,看钢轨头部外侧轨头下鄂水平延长线,指挥起道机放置位置和起道高度。 A.35 B.30 C.20 D.25 [填空题]格式塔心理学家苛勒认为,学习是通过()过程实现的。
[单选题] 镜腿与镜片平面法线的夹角称为( )。
A.镜面角 B.前倾角 C.身腿角 D.外张角 判断题 [多项选择]单位工程施工阶段的划分一般有()。
A. 地基基础 B. 主体结构 C. 二次结构 D. 围护结构 E. 装饰装修和机电设备安装 我来回答: 提交