How to Face Death{{/B}} It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, rather than about the future. These reminiscences (回忆) are not simply random or trivial memories,{{U}} (51) {{/U}}is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person’s recollections of the past help to{{U}} (52) {{/U}}an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile (脆弱的):{{U}} (53) {{/U}}any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide orientation to the future, the individual mentions their past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life{{U}} (54) {{/U}}living.{{U}} (55) {{/U}}, the memories form part of a continuing life{{U}} (56) {{/U}}, in which the old person{{U}} (57) {{/U}}the events and e A. taboo B. dispute C. contempt D. neglect [单项选择]安全色“红色”所起心理效应是()。
A. 危险 B. 警告、希望 C. 沉重、诚实 D. 安全、希望 [单选题]胃不具有的运动形式是
A.紧张性收缩 B.容受性舒张 C.集团蠕动 D.蠕动 E.以上都不是 [单选题] 已知支路一端的()和另一端的功率,可以计算出支路另一端的电压。
A. 电压 B. 相角 C. 有功 D. 无功 [多选题]接入高压配电网的分布式电源( )应有名称并报电网管理单位备案。
A.逆变设备 B.用户进线开关 C.并网点开断设备 D.电气接线图 [单选题]计算机网络技术中,ISP是指()。
A.Internet服务提供商 B.传输协议 C.Internet [单项选择]危房改造一人户新建的最低面积标准是()。
A. 10平方米 B. 20平方米 C. 30平方米 D. 40平方米 [填空题]腕臂棒式绝缘子排水孔朝______
A. 静脉推注地塞米松 B. 给予高浓度吸氧 C. 静脉滴注5%碳酸氢钠 D. 联合应用抗生素静脉滴注 E. 气管插管,正压机械通气 [单选题]发生危险化学品事故,有关地方( )应当立即组织安全生产监督管理、环境保护、公安、卫生、交通运输等有关部门,按照本地区危险化学品事故应急预案组织实施救援,不得拖延、推诿
A.公安消防部门 B.负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门 C.人民政府 D.环保部门 [单项选择]关于经直肠前列腺活检围手术期说法错误的是()
A. 切口类型为Ⅱ类切口 B. 可能的污染菌为格兰阴性杆菌 C. 切口类型为Ⅲ类切口 D. 可用氟喹诺酮类 [单项选择]
根据船舶检验与发证协调系统,货船无线电安全证书需安排()。 A. Ⅲ,Ⅳ B. Ⅰ~Ⅳ C. Ⅱ~Ⅳ D. Ⅰ~Ⅲ [单项选择]以自产原煤加工成洗煤后销售,计算资源税时的课税数量是()
A. 洗煤的销售量 B. 洗煤的产量 C. 洗煤销售量所耗用的原煤数量 D. 洗煤产量动用的原煤数量 [单项选择]某医师在为患者施行右侧乳房肿瘤摘除术时,发现左侧乳房也有肿瘤,当即进行活检,确诊为乳腺病。医师判断将来可能癌变,未征求患者意见,同时切除了左侧乳房。医师的这种做法,违背了病人权利的哪一点()。
A. 平等的医疗权 B. 保密权 C. 隐私权 D. 知情同意权 E. 获得信息权 [单选题]环水泵停泵后需关注( )。
A.止回阀是否落锤关闭 B.泵出口是否有流量 C.泵进料阀门是否关闭 D.泵出料阀门是否关闭 [填空题]
Historic National Road I. What you’ll see: The route of the Historic National Road is a road of history. River transportation and (1) , and historic cemeteries tell the struggles of the early settlers. And you can still find soda fountains, one-room schools, and old hotels. Museums are found all along the byway. You can appreciate (2) Native American life and giant earthwork mounds. II. Archaeological: The remarkable World (3) Archaeological Site consists of the largest mound buildings which were built by Native Americans on the North American continent. You may notice Woodhenge next to the road, which is a large circle of wooden posts. III. Historical: Construction of the Illinois section was started in 1831, and the section to Vandalia was completed in 1836. But the National Road fell into (4) , only to be resurrected in the early 1920s. On the eastern end of [单选题]随着行业生产技术的成熟、生产成本的降低和市场需求的扩大,新行业从幼稚期迈入成长期,其变化是(??)。
A.由低风险、低收益变为高风险、高收益 B.由高风险、低收益变为高风险、高收益 C.由低风险、高收益变为高风险、高收益 D.由高风险、低收益变为低风险、高收益 [单项选择]河流水位的变化主要是流量的增减,下列有关说法错误的是()。
A. 流量是本质,水位是流量变化的反映 B. 在同一断面上同一时刻通过的流量愈大,则水位愈高 C. 水位是受地下水,雨水,雪水影响,与流量无关 D. 我国河流一般在冬季流量小水位低 [判断题]依据《安全生产事故隐患排查治理暂行规定》,对于重大事故隐患,由生产经营单位主要负责人组织制定并实施事故隐患治理方案。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交