Christmas Eve arrives at my house each
year. The center of the celebration(庆祝) is dinner. My mother spends days
preparing a rich variety of seafood. The guest list seldom changes. It is made
up of my Aunt Marcy and her husband, my oldest brother, Sal, his wife, and their
four children, my sister, Joann, her husband, and their two children, and my
second brother, Richard, his wife, and their two children. My aunt and uncle always come heavily loaded with enough food and wine for a whole army. My brother Sal and {{U}}gang{{/U}} usually show up an hour early and empty-handed. Joann’s family is usually late while Richard’s group generally arrives on time, bearing gifts for everyone. I am in charge of getting the Christmas tree. Plenty of food is served at the dinner table, and all the hours of preparation are wolfed down in a matter o A. Comparison shopping for Christmas. B. Christmas dinner at the writer’s house and her feelings about it. C. The guests present at the writer’s Christmas dinner. D. Suggestions for how Christmas should be celebrated. [单项选择]项目开发计划是一个( )文档。
A. 技术性 B. 设计 C. 需求分析 D. 管理性 [判断题]五卅运动和省港大罢工,为北伐战争准备了群众基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”是谁的诗?
A. 差向异构物 B. 游离肼 C. 其他甾体 D. 热原 E. 异常毒性 [单选题]铁路通信是铁路的重要基础设施,是保障铁路()、提高效率的重要工具。
A.运输安全 B.运输管理 C.技术安全 D.通信安全 [多选题]违反条例的规定,逾期不校验计划生育技术服务执业许可证明文件,继续从事计划生育技术服务的机构,由原发证部门( )。
A.责令限期补办校验手续 B.违法所得5000元以上的,处违法所得5倍以下的罚款 C.没有违法的,处5000元以下的罚款 D.拒不校验的,吊销计划生育技术服务的执业资格 E.没有违法的,处10000元以下的罚款 [单项选择]抗甲状腺药停药的关键指征是()。
A. T3、T4正常 B. T3、T4正常,TRAb明显下降或转阴 C. TSH正常 D. RT3正常 E. 临床甲状腺功能亢进症表现消失 我来回答: 提交