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[填空题]Domestic pets in Britain are often treated like a member of the family. The most (36) pets are of course cats and dogs, but then there are the (37) birds, fish and rabbits, all found in homes. Pets are thought to bring an "animal (38) " into the home. Cats make the perfect reading (39) , while dogs are widely believed to be man’s best friend. There are dozens of animal rescue (40) across Britain, and animal lovers are encouraged to go to these centers if they want to get a pet, rather than going to pet shops, which may be (41) and sell animals bred in harsh conditions.
Although there is no annual (42) fee to keep pets, the cost of keeping a pet can be relatively high. Food, grooming, and (43) can mount up over the years (44) . Most primary schools also have class on pets and children are encouraged to look after them and are taught to treat them. (45) , the UK is one of Eur [多选题]关于业务印章保管及使用以下做法错误的是( )。
A..预先在空白凭证上加盖业务印章 B..非经办人员使用业务印章 C..业务印章使用人员负责对本人所使用的各类业务印章的管理 D..柜员临时离岗由他人使用业务印章时,无须进行交接 [单项选择]发端于1962年密歇根州的佩里学前教育研究计划的美国学前教育课程模式是()
A. 显性课程 B. 海伊斯科普认知取向课程模式 C. 零点计划课程 D. 直接指导模式 [单选题]沟(槽)开挖时,应将路面铺设材料和泥土统一堆置,堆置处和沟(槽)之间应保留通道供施工人员正常行走。在堆置物堆起的斜坡上不得放置工具、材料等器物。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]某市卫生监督所接到举报,称某饮品公司从外地低价购进一批冰棒冰棋淋等冷冻饮品,其中冰棒75.6万根,冰棋淋23.5万盒,价值人民币100万元,上述产品均超过保质期限15~30天不等,现已人工对其生产日期进行了更改,准备出售。通过调查,该饮品公司的行为违反了《食品安全法》第八十四、八十五条的规定,应做出的处罚有()
A. 处以二千元以上五万元以下的罚款 B. 处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款 C. 取缔卫生许可证 D. 立即收回已售出的食品 E. 处以违法所得二倍以上五倍以下的罚款 F. 销毁该产品 [单项选择]青年李某和张某共同违反了治安管理法规,那么应当()。
A. 对他们都不进行处罚 B. 只处罚李某即可 C. 只处罚张某即可 D. 根据他俩在违反治安管理行为中所起的作用,分别处罚 我来回答: 提交