Passage Three
The human body contains enormous quantities of energy. In fact, the average adult has as much energy stored in fat as a one-ton battery. That energy fuels our everyday activities, but what if those actions could in turn run the electronic devices we rely on Today, innovators around the world are banking on our potential to do just that.
Movement produces kinetic energy (动能), which can be converted into power. In the past, devices that turned human kinetic energy into electricity, such as hand-cranked radios, computers and flashlights, involved a person’s full participation. But a growing field is tapping into our energy without our even noticing it.
Consider, for example, a health club. With every step you take on a treadmill and with every muscle curl, you turn surplus calories into motion that could drive a generator and produce electricity. The energy from one person’s workout may not be much, but 100 people co
A. is using human, solar and wind power to produce electricity
B. is the first to use bikes to harvest human body energy
C. will be able to satisfy its power needs by using green energy
D. will introduce the technology to other parts of the world
In May 1927, at least four different people were planning to fly between New York and Paris. On the morning of 20 May, none of them had done so, yet Lindbergh took off from New York in his small plane. It was heavy with fuel and it seemed it would never get off the ground. Lindbergh hit several wet spots on the airfield and bounced dangerously. He got into the air just in time to avoid a tractor and some telegraph wires at the end of the field. For the first eleven hours he flew along the Atlantic coastline. When he turned towards the open ocean, he had flown almost as far and as long as Alcook and Brown had in 1919.It was getting dark and the worst part of the flight was just beginning. First, there was a freezing fog. For a time he avoided this by flying lower over the water. But then the fog came down to the tops of the waves. Lindbergh flew higher but it was so cold that ice formed on the wings. In the black darkness he shook the ice off by diving and turning sharply. T
A. the airfield was wet
B. he took too much fuel with him
C. a tractor almost blocked the runway
D. it was too dark to see well
In their world of darkness, it would
seem likely that some of the animals might have become blind, as has happened to
some cave fauna. So, indeed, many of them have, compensating for the lack
of eyes with marvelously developed feelers and long, slender fins and processes
with which they grope their way, like so many blind men with canes, their whole
knowledge of friends, enemies, or food coming to them through the sense of
touch. The last traces of plant life are left behind in the thin upper layer of water for no plant can live below about 600 feet even in very clear water, and few find enough sunlight for their food-manufacturing activities below 200 feet. Since no animal can make its own food, the creatures of the deeper waters live a strange, almost parasitic existence of utter dependence on the upper layers. These hungry carn A. show that the United States coast was threatened by the enemy in World War Ⅱ B. explain some of the complexities of deepsea life C. illustrate the main problems faced by undersea researchers D. gain public support for oceanographic expeditions [判断题]冬季在站场上作业和行走时,禁止戴妨碍视觉、听觉的色镜、帽子或其他遮盖物,有冰冻时在鞋上绑扎草绳或穿其他防滑鞋具,以防滑倒摔伤
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]煤矿签订《师徒合同》师傅的选任要由本单位根据学徒工聘任岗位对口专业选择,师傅必须在本岗位专业上工作不少于二年,现场工作不少于三年,有丰富的安全作业经验,年内未出现过违章行为,三年内未发生过()。
A.轻微违章行为 B.一般违章行为 C.严重违章行为 D.打架斗殴行为 [单项选择]不属于事中施工质量控制的重点是()。
A. 工序质量的控制 B. 坚持质量标准 C. 工作质量的控制 D. 质量控制点的控制 [判断题]承运人是指与旅客或托运人签有运输合同的铁路运输企业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用( )法测量电缆故障,能确定故障点所在的大概区段。
A.电流表 B.电压表 C.脉冲示波器 D.摇表 [单选题]施工单位在施工工程中对危险性较大的分部分项工程编制了专项施工方案,编制完成的施工方案应当由()和总监理工程师签字后实施。
A.施工单位技术负责人 B.建设单位项目负责人 C.建设单位技术负责人 D.设计单位工程设计负责人 [单选题]
掌银智慧政务场景主入口是( )。 A. 政务专区 B. 城市服务 C. 本地服务 D. 第三方服务 [单项选择]1型糖尿病的发病主要是由于()
A. 胰岛素绝对不足 B. 胰岛素相对不足以及靶细胞对胰岛素敏感性降低 C. 突然大量甲状腺素释放入血 D. 甲状腺素分泌及合成不足或周围组织对甲状腺素缺乏反应 E. 皮质醇分泌增多 我来回答: 提交