In 1951, Time magazine set out to paint a portrait of the nation’s youth, those born into the Great Depression. It doomed them as the Silent Generation, and a generally dull lot: cautious and obedient, uninterested in striking out in new directions or shaping the great issues of the day—the outwardly efficient types whose inner agonies the novel "Revolutionary Road" would analyze a decade later.
"Youth’s ambitions have shrunk," the magazine declared. "Few youngsters today want to mine diamonds in South Africa, ranch in Paraguay, climb Mount Everest, find a cure for cancer, sail around the world or build an industrial empire. Some would like to own a small, independent business, but most want a good job with a big firm, and with it, a kind of suburban idyll (田园生活)." The young soldier "lacks flame," students were "docile notetakers." And the young writer’s talent "sometimes turns out to
A. The inner pain of the Silent Generation.
B. The personality of the Silent Generation.
C. The characteristics of the efficient people.
D. The impact of the Depression on the youth.
The Greek’s lofty attitude toward
scientific research—and the scientists’ contempt of utility—was a long time
dying. For a millennium after Archimedes, this separation of mechanics from
geometry inhibited fundamental technological progress and in some areas
repressed it altogether. But there was a still greater obstacle to change until
the very end of the middle ages: the organization of society. The social system
of fixed class relationships that prevailed through the Middle Ages (and in some
areas much longer) itself hampered improvement. Under this system, the laboring
masses, in exchange for the bare necessities of life, did all the productive
work, while the privileged few—priests, nobles, and kings—concerned themselves
only with ownership and maintenance of their own position. In the interest of
their privileges they did achieve A. freemen had incentive to produce more B. masters had greater incentive to work their workers harder C. slaves never starved, no matter what they produced D. productivity could go in only one direction [单项选择]甲公司委托乙公司销售货物,乙公司以自己的名义与丙公司签订了货物销售合同,签订合同时丙公司知道乙公司是替甲公司销售货物,甲公司与乙公司之间的关系是( )
A. 委托合同关系 B. 行纪合同关系 C. 居间合同关系 D. 买卖合同关系 [单选题]NCC:网络管理系统;BCC:应用管理系统。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 2014年5月15日,某支队特勤中队进行大绳斜降营救被困人员科目第一次合成训练,用卷扬机牵拉绳索至标注位置时,连接绳索的两只“0”型钩突然断裂,“0”型钩向卷扬机方向高速飞出,其中一只击中正在右前方作业的夏某某头盔,继续直线飞出约80余米,击中卷扬机上方操作平台后弹落。夏某某当场牺牲。根据案例分析,下列选项正确的是( )。[多选题]
A.每次开展绳索训练时,必须按要求对承重绳索及其承重附件进行静态荷载测试,绳索必须保持完整,发现磨损后应立即更换。 B.绳索.安全钩.头盔使用应符合操作规范和技术规范要求。 C.绳索紧固时不得使用动力牵引设备,连接支点必须牢固且不得少于一处。 D.开展大型演练等活动前,必须对安全风险进行专项评估并采取专项安全措施。 [单项选择]下列关于NetWare的说法中,不正确的是( )。
A. Novell公司是一家网络公司,从1983年开始开发NetWare B. Novell公司首先提出了文件服务器的概念 C. NetWare操作系统的版本很多 D. NetWare 2.2是一种32位操作系统 [单选题]着那种制式服装下摆需扎于裤内( )。
A.夏常服上衣 B.衬衣 C.体能作训服 D.以上都是 [单项选择]社会政策最早可以追溯到()。
A. 1349年爱德华三世《劳工法》 B. 1536年亨利八世《济贫法》 C. 1601年《伊丽莎白济贫法》 D. 德国1889年《伤残和养老金保险法》 [简答题]“内宫初赐清明火,上相闲分白打钱。”出自《长安清明》一诗,诗人除了描写清明时节的人和景之外,还表达了对盛唐的思念,请问这首诗的作者是谁?
[单选题]按照业务分管、属地化管理和岗位职责对各自负责领域的变更负责, ( ) 人应对审批的结果负责。
A.主管 B.审批 C.变更 D.监护 [单选题]二氧化碳气体保护焊时,为了控制熔深,一般调节()。
A.电流大小 B.燃弧时间 C.焊丝粗细 [单选题]作业负责人应了解整个作业过程中存在的危险、危害因素。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 我来回答: 提交