容积率 | 区域因素 | 个别因素 | 使用年限 | |
地块A | +3 | 0 | -2 | 0 |
地块B | -1 | 0 | +1 | 0 |
地块C | 0 | 0 | -3 | 0 |
地块D | 0 | 0 | -2 | 0 |
On any weekend throughout the year one
can spend hours browsing through neighborhood flea markets(跳蚤市场). These are very
popular for those who are in search of bargains and who have a keen eye for
picking through what others have discarded. They hunt and search for something
they can reuse. Americans love secondhand merchandise (商品) which can be bought
cheaply and restored to its original use. In many cases the condition and the
quality are still good, though the style might be outdated. For some people searching through flea markets is a hobby which reaps rewards. They look for possible antiques among the items for sale or for old furniture which can. be restored with, a little care and used again. Many wise collectors often find rare items worth much more than their bargained price. Since prices are usually not fixe A. Resell them at a higher price. B. Restore them and make them look new. C. They use them as furniture in their homes. D. They use them for a while and then discard them. [单选题]固定支座在坡道上设在( )。
A.较高一端 B.较低一端 C.水平端 D.都可以 [判断题]企业法人分立和合并,它的权利和义务由变更后的法人享有和承担。()
[单选题]建制单位在停止间,当上级首长来到时,带队指挥员向队列发出“( )”口令,尔后向首长敬礼和报告
A.A、起立 B.B、全体注意 C.C、立正 D.D、敬礼 [判断题]()氮气置换时,要将各系统隔离,被置换的系统压力要高于其它系统,以免空气窜入。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]管壳式换热器属于()
A.直接混合式换热器 B.蓄热式换热器 C.间壁式换热器 D.以上都不是 [单选题]固井泵运行前操作步骤不正确的是( )。
A.检查大泵盘根润滑油 B.检查大泵齿轮油油质、油位 C.把高压阀全部关死 D.启动柴油机,确认油压 [单项选择]韦庄写有一首涉及黄巢起义的长篇叙事诗,题目叫做()
A. 《秦中吟》 B. 《秦妇吟》 C. 《古离别》 D. 《乌衣巷》 [判断题]过负荷是指流过电气设备和线路的实际电流超过其额定电流值。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]关联企业之间的应收帐款可以作为质押品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]轻链病患者测量本一周蛋白,结果最可能是()
A. 血液阳性,尿液阳性 B. 血液阳性,尿液阴性 C. 血液阴性,尿液阳性 D. 血液阴性,尿液阴性 E. 血液阴性 [单选题]工资应当以( )支付。不得以实物及有价证券替代货币支付。
A.银行转账 B.现金 C.用人单位规定的 D.法定货币 [单项选择]患者女性,32岁。妊娠具体周数不详,欲判断胎儿成熟度,行羊膜腔穿刺。羊水胆红素测定为1.65μmol/L,提示()
A. 胎儿皮脂腺成熟 B. 胎儿皮脂腺不成熟 C. 胎儿唾液腺成熟 D. 胎儿肝不成熟 E. 胎儿肝成熟 [单项选择]根据有关规定,医院感染漏报率的标准是()
A. 不超过20% B. 不超过30% C. 不超过40% D. 不超过50% E. 不超过10% [判断题]根据接收到的回波情况来判断缺陷的方法称为脉冲反射法。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](2016年11月)( )属于不符合解除劳动合同的法律规定的情况。
A.小玲生育后一直在家哺乳孩子 B.劳动者在试用期内提出解除劳动合同 C.小张患职业病并被确认丧失部分劳动能力 D.在医疗期内小沈感冒引发肺炎,连续一周没上班 E.小王不能胜任目前工作,经培训后仍不能胜任工作,并且不服从安排 [单项选择]超声检查半月板,最理想的探头频率是()
A. 3.0MHz B. 3.5MHz C. 4.0MHz D. 5.0MHz E. 7.5MHz 我来回答: 提交