October 8, 2010
Dear Sirs,
Many thanks for your offer (报价) dated August 26th for leather shoes and for the illustrated catalogues you very kindly sent us.
We appreciate the high quality of your goods, but unfortunately we are not in a position to accept the offer on your terms. Your prices appear to be on rather high side and they will leave us little or no margin of profit. As you may know, this is an area in which the principal demand is for goods in the medium price range, and leather shoes of the same quality from some other suppliers are now available in this market at much lower prices than yours. Some suppliers even offer a special discount of as high as 20% on orders exceeding $15 000.
Much as we would like to do more business with you, it is rather difficult for us to accept the prices you offered. Unless you can reduce your prices by 10%, we will have no choice but to satisfy our requirements elsewhere.
It is highly apprec
About 40 percent of Americans think of
themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from
shyness at some point in their lives. Shyness occurs when a person’s
apprehensions are so great that they (1) his making an
expected or desired social response. (2) of shyness can be
as minor as (3) to make eye contact when speaking to
someone, (4) as major as avoiding conversations whenever
possible. "Shy people tend to be too (5) with themselves, "said Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist, who is one of those at the forefront of current research on the topic." (6) , for a smooth conversation, you need to pay attention to the other person’s cues (7) he is saying and doing. But the shy person is full of (8) about how he seems to the other person, and so he often (9) A. what B. whatever C. how D. however [单项选择]医师注册后有下列情形之一的,应当注销注册,但不包括()
A. 受刑事处罚的 B. 受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚的 C. 死亡或者被宣告失踪的 D. 受民事处罚的 E. 中止医师执业活动满两年的 [单项选择]甲的儿子乙先于甲死亡,下列人中,对甲的遗产享有代位继承权的是( )。
A. 乙的儿子 B. 乙的配偶 C. 乙的兄弟 D. 乙的外甥女 [判断题]银行业从业人员应当遵守银行业从业人员职业操守,接受有关机构的监督,同时也要接受社会公众的监督。( )
[单选题]60kg/m钢轨的构造轨缝是( )。
A.16mm B.17mm C.18mm D.20mm [单选题](737-800)发动机燃油关断活门:
A.由发动机火警电门或发动机起动手柄控制,而翼梁燃油关断活门只由发动机起动手柄控制 B.是唯一的燃油关断活门,带有一个相应的兰色灯位于前顶板上的燃油面板 C.翼梁燃油关断活门需用交流电 D.无论何时,当拉出相关的发动机火警电门或将发动机起动手柄放在CUTOFF切断)时,翼 梁燃油关断活门都关闭 [单选题]在空气中能够发生燃烧,其主要的助燃物是()。
A.氮 B.氧 C.氯 D.氟 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第26.3.4条规定:绝缘安全工具应定期进行绝缘试验,下列工器具试验周期符合要求的是( )。
A.电容型验电器工频耐压试验周期1年 B.携带型短路接地线操作棒工频耐压试验周期5年 C.绝缘杆工频耐压试验周期1年 D.辅助型绝缘手套工频耐压试验周期半年 [填空题]客列检对发现或预报的故障须积极()或妥善处理,保证行车安全。
A.热变形强化 B.冷变形强化 C.淬火 D.硫化处理 [判断题]红茶其性温热,故适宜在夏日饮用。
[单选题]SLE 狼疮肾炎病理为 IV 型首选的免疫抑制剂为( )
A.环磷酰胺 B.甲氨蝶呤 C.长春新碱 D.依木兰 E.雷公滕 [简答题]你在打扫房间时,发现客人卧病在床,如何处理?
下面关于 CBWFQ 描述正确的? A.CBWFQ 为流量提供延迟,抖动和带宽保证 B.CBWFQ 既能用于出接口,也能运用于入接口 C.CBWFQ 可以运用 MQC 进行配置,service-policy 被应用到出口方向 D.CBWFQ 只能在层次化的 policy-map 中进行配置。父 policy-map 执行监管,子 policy-map 执行 CBWFQ [单项选择]男,48岁。因车祸导致右胫骨中下1/3骨折,行超膝长腿管型石膏固定。1个月后出现右足背感觉减退,背伸无力。最可能的原因是()
A. 胫神经损伤 B. 腓总神经损伤 C. 腓浅神经损伤 D. 胫后神经损伤 E. 腓肠神经损伤 [不定项选择题]小承气汤的功用是
A.峻下热结 B.泻热逐水 C.轻下热结 D.润肠通便 E.缓下热结 [单项选择]患者男性,60岁,有高血压病史20年,一直服药,因情绪激动,2h前出现明显头痛、烦躁、眩晕、恶心、呕吐,查血压240/130mmHg,神志不清,心率90次/分,肝脾未及,病理征阴性。可能诊断为()
A. 甲亢 B. 急性左心衰 C. 脑梗塞 D. 脑出血 E. 高血压危象 [判断题]生产现场和经常有人工作的场所应配备急救箱,存放急救用品,并应指定专人负责保管。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交