The process of gaining or losing weight
can be explained by comparing your body to your car. Both run (56)
fuel, food for your body and gasoline for your car. Both (57)
that fuel, first into heat, then energy, some of (58)
is used to do work, and some emitted as waste. And (59)
your car uses more energy when the engine is racing than when it is
idling, (60) does your body use more energy when you are
working hard than (61) you are resting. For the purpose of this comparison, (62) , there is one significant difference between them. Your car cannot store fuel by turning it into (63) else; all gasoline not (64) remains as gasoline. But your body stores (65) energy as fat. When the gas tank is (66) empty, the car won’t run; but your body can burn fat to provide A. whereas B. although C. just because D. just as [单项选择]备用地平仪中LOC和G/S旗的控制信号来自()
A. 内部静变流机 B. 内部电源 C. MMR1 D. MMR2 [简答题]方法适用于制冷部件如压缩机的检漏。
[单选题] 预防压疮时,为缓解对局部的压迫不宜使用()
A.海绵垫 B.橡皮气圈 C.气垫褥 D.水褥 E.海绵褥 [单项选择]下述哪个有关生育津贴概念的描述是正确的?()
A. 女职工生育时单位给予的困难补助 B. 女职工生育时得到的医疗补助 C. 女职工生育时报销的医疗费 D. 劳动保障经办机构发放的产假期间生活费用 [单选题]在精神分析的人格结构中,本我遵循以下什么原则( )。
A. 至善原则 B. 现实原则 C. 中立原则 D. 快乐原则 E. 发展原则 [单项选择]关于消化性溃疡的治疗,正确的说法是()
A. 需长期应用黏膜保护剂以降低溃疡复发率 B. 为降低复发率,需长期服用质子泵抑制剂 C. 只要内镜证实溃疡已经愈合,溃疡就不会复发 D. 根除幽门螺杆菌可以降低溃疡复发率 E. 有消化道出血的溃疡患者必须长期维持治疗 [单项选择]门静脉与肝静脉的声像图区别是()。
A. 门静脉管壁呈强回声 B. 肝静脉与下腔静脉汇合部容易显示 C. 门静脉显示为管状结构,其周围为无回声 D. 门静脉显示为无回声圈,其周围为强回声 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]在一定范围内,一般进料压力越高,旋流器处理量就越大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH3C、CRH380B(L)系列动车组发生牵引封锁(6070)故障时,司机施加制动停车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]度量岩石孔隙的发育程度,采用()。
A.孔隙度 B.总孔隙度 C.有效孔隙度 D.孔隙性 E.lue [判断题]学科课程标准是衡量各科教学质量的重要标准。
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