Nowadays, incoming generations really rely now
on the power of the "Internet" when it comes to searching for information. Just
type the word or phrase you’re looking{{U}} 62 {{/U}}and click, there
goes your answer. So why{{U}} 63 {{/U}}wasting time turning the pages
of encyclopedias if in just a snap of a finger you have what you needed People
underestimate the power of encyclopedias. Well, technically, all of them are{{U}}
64 {{/U}}sources which means, they are like the walls that can fully
support your data. They are first hand accounts done by professionals and{{U}}
65 {{/U}}. On the other hand, Internet information I’m not saying all of them, are{{U}} 66 {{/U}}secondary, or third hand sources{{U}} 67 {{/U}}basically means that they have been edited or{{U}} 68 {{/U}}.They maybe data collected from several sources and A. which B. where C. what D. when [单选题]摒弃“金钱至上、金钱万能”的人生哲学,在不义之财面前不动心,不利用权力贪占便宜,体现了会计职业道德内容中()。
A.客观公正 B.诚实守信 C.坚持准则 D.廉洁自律 [填空题]丹麦人发明了著名的()、()面包。采用(),在面团中包入奶油,再进行反复折叠和压片,再用油脂将面团分层,产生清晰的层次,这种丹麦面包入口即化,特别酥松,成为世界面包家族中最受欢迎、最著名的产品之一。
[多选题]乙公司是一家集团企业,业务涉及金融、出版、饮用水、水泥生产等。公司管理层针对饮用水业务进行分析时,发现该产业新的客户减少,主要靠老客户的重复购买支撑。对此,乙公司应重点关注的有( )。
A.提高效率 B.降低成本 C.市场营销 D.生产能力 [填空题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁中()进路需在接车进路按取消或人工解锁方式解锁后才能解锁。
[填空题]For years we have believed we were either healthy or sick. __51__, during the mid-90s, scientists developed a new concept called “sub-health”, a status __52__ health and illness. The concept of sub-health has become __53__ because it has helped to explain many health problems. __54__ one study, only 5.6% of people in the overall population are actually sick, __55__ the sub-healthy group consists of about 60%, and the __56__ population is considered healthy. __57__ of one’s sub-health will help one to be alert to the underlying disease and remain healthy. Sub-Health is a state in which the body is __58__ turning from health to illness or from illness to health. Our bodies are actively __59__ the conditions of health, sub-health and disease. Factors __60__ aging, internal or external toxicity (毒性), and body or mind exhaustion may cause sub-health, but taking good care of the body can change a sub-healthy status to a healthy one.
A. A.retaining B.remaining C.reserving D.relating [单选题]首次进入高高原机场实施运行的机长应完成高高原运行机长训练(理论和模拟机训练),并
在以高高原机场为起飞或目的地机场运行____个航段或以上,其中在高高原机场不少于____ 次起飞和落地(不含模拟机),经检查合格后方可进入高高原机场运行担任机长。 A.10,5 B.10,10 C.5,5 D.5,10 [多选题]( )。社会工作者小吴最近筹划一个施暴者矫治小组,在设计小组活动时,他需要掌握和考虑
A.扣紧小组目标 B.考虑组员的特征及能力 C.明确活动的地点 D.小组活动的基本要素 E.评估绩效的方法 [多项选择]组成眼球壁的是:()
A. 纤维膜 B. 鞘膜 C. 葡萄膜 D. 视网膜 [单项选择]DDU操作页面牵引图标区域显示“ISOL”表示()。
A. 设备正常 B. 设备故障 C. 设备隔离 D. 紧急呼叫 [名词解释]安西县的行政区划
[单选题] 要加强行政执法保障 推动()形成支持行政执法机关依法履职的氛围。
A.全国 B.全社会 C.行政机关 D.事业单位 [多选题]具体劳动和抽象劳动是同一劳动的两种规定。以下说法正确的有( )。
A.具体劳动创造商品的使用价值,抽象劳动形成商品的价值实体 B.具体劳动和杣象劳动在时间上和空间上是统一的 C.具体劳动转移不变资本的价值,抽象劳动转移可变资本的价值 D.具体劳动和柚象劳动的矛盾是商品经济的其他一切矛盾的基础 [多选题]现场勘察后,现场勘察记录应送交()及相关各方,作为填写、签发工作票等的依据。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.施工负责人 E.略 F.略 [多选题]货物线(包括到发线兼货物线的线路装卸作业时)、段管线与接发旅客列车进路上的线路无隔开设备或脱轨器,须拧紧( ),并以( )防溜,非衔接端按规定采取防溜措施。
A.两端车辆人力制动机 B.衔接端外端车辆人力制动机 C.铁鞋或止轮器 D.防溜枕木 [单项选择]Today, most countries in the world have canals. Many countries have built canals near the coast, and parallel (67) the coast. Even in the twentieth century, goods can be moved more cheaply by boat than by any other (68) of transport. These waterways make it (69) for boats to travel (70) ports along the coast without being (71) to the dangers of the open. Some canals, such as the Suez and the Panama, save ships weeks of time by making their (72) a thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are not (73) on the coast, still other canals (74) lands where there is too much water, help to (75) fields where there is not enough water, and (76) water power for factories and mills. The size of a canal (77) on the kind of boats going through it. The canal must be wide enough to permit two of the largest boats using it to (78) each other ea
A. cross B. pass C. remove D. advance [多选题]TnPM应以哪里为突破口?
A.以CI设计和企业文化建设为契机 B.以现场设备的6S为切入点 C.以典型的主流程设备、有推广意义的机台为试点样板 D.以TnPM作业规范为目标 E.以激励和适当的奖励为推动力 [单项选择]陈旧性脱位的复位固定过程中,最关键的步骤是( )
A. 牵引松筋 B. 活动解凝 C. 手法复位 D. 支架外固定 E. 中药外治 [单选题]自( )起,除国务院另有规定外,各类通行费减免等优惠政策均依托 ETC 系统实现。( )
A.2019 年10 月 1 日 B.2019 年 11 月 1 日 C.2019 年 12 月 1 日 D.2020年 1 月 1 日 [简答题]专责监护人的安全责任有哪些?
[单选题]主要运输巷和主要风巷的净高,自轨道面起不得低于( )。
A.2m B.2.4m C.3 m D.3.2m [单选题]咨询方案中需要明确的咨询师的义务是( )
A..尊重求助者 B.. 遵守国家法律 C.. 严守保密原则 D.. 贯彻中立原则 [多项选择]口腔、牙龈出血的护理措施中正确的有()
A. 定时漱口 B. 牙龈渗血可用肾上腺素棉球贴敷 C. 口腔内有陈旧血块应及时清理干净 D. 进餐前可用1%过氧化氢液漱口 E. 牙龈渗血时局部涂抹云南白药 [单选题]循证医/药学信息的1级证据是
A.证据来自至少1个适当的随机对照试验 B.证据来自至少1个未随机化但设计完善的临床试验 C.证据来自队列病例对照分析研究 D.证据来自描述性研究 E.证据来自专家委员会的报告 [单项选择]一个圆柱形容器内放有一个长方形铁块,现打开水龙头往容器中灌水,3分钟时水面恰好没过长方体的顶面,再过18分钟水已灌满容器,已知容器的高为50厘米,长方体的高为20厘米,求长方体的底面面积和容器底面面积之比()。
A. 3:4 B. 4:3 C. 5:3 D. 3:5 E. 以上都不正确 [填空题]我国现存最大最重的商周暑期的青铜器叫()。
A.沉底物 B.漂浮物 C.护底 D.固基 [多选题]以下( )哪些机具操作人员应按规定穿戴劳动保护用品。机具应按规定安装漏电保护装置。
A.切轨机 B.打磨机 C.电焊机 D.起道机 我来回答: 提交