The Food and Drag Administration said
on Wednesday that it is trying to track down as many as 386 piglets that may
have been genetically engineered and wrongfully sold into the U.S. food
supply. The focus of the FDA investigation is on pigs raised by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. They engineered the animals with two genes: one is a cow gene that increases milk production in the sow; the other, a synthetic gene, makes the milk easier for piglets to digest. The goal was to raise bigger pigs faster. There has been no evidence that either genetically altered plants or animals actually trigger human illness, but critics warn that potential side effects remain unknown. University officials say their tests showed the piglets were not born with the altered genes, but FDA roles require e A. may have side effects on consumers B. may be harmful to consumers C. are safe to consumers D. may cause human illness [单项选择]卧位时腹痛明显,前倾位或俯卧位时减轻,提示的疾病是()
A. 十二指肠雍滞症 B. 胰体癌 C. 反流性食管炎 D. 胃黏膜脱垂 E. 胃溃疡 [判断题]全党必须牢记,全面从严治党永远在路上,党的自我革命永远在路上。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]轨道静态检查时,标准股确定正确的是( )
A.检查水平时,直线线路顺里程方向以左股为标准股 B.检查水平时,直线线路顺里程方向以右股为标准股 C.曲线以下股(曲线内轨)为标准股 D.曲线以上股股(曲线外轨)为标准股 E.道岔以导曲线上股及外侧直股为标准股 [多选题]老夏有两个孩子,大女儿甲(14岁)、二儿子乙(10岁),由于重男轻女的封建思想,大女儿甲在家经常受到老夏打骂。当地公安机关接警后,应当()。
A.及时出警、制止家庭暴力 B.调查取证 C.协助甲就医、鉴定伤情 D.通知并协助民政部门将甲安置到当地的救助中心 [多选题]隧道施工前,对设计文件中涉及施工安全核对的重点内容包括()
A.穿越江河湖海等水体、不良地质、浅埋段和特殊岩土地段的设计方案是否安全可靠。 B.隧道、辅助坑道的洞口位置及边、仰坡是否稳定安全。 C.铁路营业线、各类管线、交叉跨越和相邻建(构)筑物的安全防护措施是否到位。 D.弃渣场位置及安全防护措施是否符合要求。 [单项选择]
The American educational system is based on the idea that as many people as possible should have access to as much education as possible. This fact alone distinguishes the U.S. system from most others, since in most others the objective is as much to screen people out as it is to keep them in. The U.S. system has no standardized examinations whose results systematically prevent students from going on to higher levels of study, as the British and many other systems do. Through secondary school and sometimes in post-secondary institutions as well, the American system tries to accommodate students even if their academic aspirations and aptitudes are not high, even if they are physically (and in some cases mentally) handicapped, and even if their native language is not English. [填空题]实验室检查中()升高或()阳性为病毒性心肌炎临床诊断标准之一。
[简答题] 《行规》对列车停运及恢复运行是如何规定的?(《行规》第81条)
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