In the past, the Park Service focused
on making the big scenic parks more{{U}} (21) {{/U}}and comfortable for
tourists. Roads were paved to allow "windshield visitors" to experience the
grandeur of nature without leaving their cars, and a{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}number of hotels and grocery stores were permitted to open{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}the park boundaries. Now this trend is changing. Plans have been made to{{U}} (24) {{/U}}the parks to their natural condition as much as possible. The objective of such a move would be to secure the preservation of the parks for future generations,{{U}} (25) {{/U}}allowing present-day visitors to experience pure wilderness,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}from any obvious signs of civilization -- an opportunity which is quickly disappearing in the twentieth century.{{U}} (27) {{/U}}plans call only{{U}} (28) {{/U}}a r A. comparative B. relative C. strict D. geographical [多选题]地面进攻时,分水器阵地通常设置在火势蔓延方向的( )外,并保持足够的安全距离。
A.下风 B.上风 C.侧下风 D.侧上风 [单项选择]甲将其电脑借给乙使用,乙却将该电脑卖给丙。依据我国《合同法》的规定,下列关于乙丙之间买卖电脑的合同效力的表述哪一项是正确的( )
A. 无效 B. 有效 C. 效力待定 D. 得变更或撤销 [单项选择]水饮停于肠间,属于:
A. 痰饮 B. 悬饮 C. 溢饮 D. 支饮 E. 水湿 [单选题]结晶器可以调整产品质量的
A.B值 B.微孔 C.粒径 D.含水量 [单选题]建筑工程施工现场室内非埋地明敷主干线距地面高度不得小于( )。
A.2.2m B.2.5m C.2.4m D.2.3m [单选题]发现牵引供电设备断线及其部件损坏,或发现牵引供电设备上挂有线头、绳索、塑料布或脱落搭接等异物,均不得与之接触,应立即通知附近车站,在牵引供电设备检修人员到达未采取措施以前,任何人员均应距已断线索或异物处所( )m以外。
A. 2 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 [单项选择]According to the conversation, what are the experts now recommending
A. Exercising the entire body. B. Having your blood pressure taken daily. C. Losing weight prior to exercising. D. Weighing in before each exercise session. [单选题]《人民币现金机具鉴别能力技术规范》(JR/T0154—2017)中要求非金融机构用无拒钞仓的鉴别机具误识率为()。
A. 0.02% B. 0.03% C. 0.04% D. 0.05% E. 1%。 [填空题]操作机械传动的隔离开关和绳索传动的柱上断路器应戴<--NRC-->。
[单选题] 对于( )的基坑(槽)开挖时严禁采用天然冻结施工:
A.黏土 B.软土 C.老黄土 D.干燥的砂土 [多选题]IG541分布在( )车站。
A.大王庄 B.东兴路 C.塘沽 D.泰达 [多项选择]影响CO2-MIG焊接质量的因素()
A. 焊接电流 B. 焊接电压 C. 隔离气体的流量 D. 电极至母材间的距离 E. 焊枪角度和焊接方向 F. 焊接速度 [单选题]直流操作母线电压波动不应超过额定值的±( )%。
A.2 B.5 C.10 D.15 我来回答: 提交