Seventeen-year-old Quantae Williams
doesn’t understand why the U. S. Supreme Court struck down his school district’s
racial diversity program. He now (61) the prospect of leaving
his mixed-race high school in suburban Louisville and (62) to
the poor black downtown schools where he (63) in fights. "I’m
doing (64) in town. They should just leave it the
(65) it is," said Williams, using a fond nickname for suburban
Jeffersontown High School, (66) he’s bused every day from his
downtown neighborhood. "Everything is (67) , we get along
well. If I go where all my friends go, I’ll start getting in trouble again,"
Williams said as he took a (68) from his summer job
(69) clothing (70) for poor
families. Last month’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court struck down programs that were start A. looted B. assigned C. prodded D. occupied [判断题]对患者进行心肺复苏时,按下心脏的速度大概是每分钟100至120次。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据发电厂利用的能量形态不同,可以将发电厂分为(____)发电厂和其他类型的发电厂。
A. 火力 B. 水力 C. 核能 D. 风力 [判断题]车辆在转弯时,差速器能自动使两主动车轮转速不同。()(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述春秋时期公布成文法的历史意义。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在自然条件下担子菌不发生或少量发生无性繁殖。
[单项选择]If you are travelling in a train, the things (Example: (0) ) seem to be (41) backwards. But this is not really true. It is the train that is moving.
It is like the case (42) the earth and the sun. The sun seems (43) in the east, move across the sky, and set in the (44) . In other words, the sun seems to travel round the earth. However, (45) not really true. It is the earth that is turning on (46) own axis (轴) . The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change (47) day to night. The earth also travels round the sun on an unchanging path (路径). As well as the earth, (48) other planets(行星) of (49) sizes. These are known as the solar system. The planet nearest the sun is Mercury, and the planet (50) from the sun is Pluto. A. of B. from C. for [填空题]在数据表视图下向表中输入数据,在末输入数值之前,系统自动提供的数值字段的属性是 【8】 。
A. 小净 B. 小生 C. 小旦 D. 小丑 [判断题]根据Q/GDW11852—2018《电力需求响应负荷监测与效果评估技术要求》,电力需求响应实施期间用户实际监测负荷不大于基线负荷,视为有效响应。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]石油产品的炼制工艺程序包括( )。
A.原油的预处理 B.油品的调和 C.油的精制及脱腊 D.油的蒸馏与分馏 [单选题]拆除高度在()以上的模板时,应搭设脚手架或操作平台,并设置防护栏杆。
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [单项选择]根据《水工预应力锚固施工规范》(SL 46-94),下列关于预应力锚束永久性防护涂层材料说法错误的是( )。
A. 对预应力钢材具有防变形作用 B. 与预应力钢材具有牢固的粘结性,且无有害反应 C. 能与预应力钢材同步变形,在高应力状态下不脱壳、不脆裂 D. 具有较好的化学稳定性,在强碱条件下不降低其耐久性 [简答题]全面推行5S的“1”、“2”“、3”、“6”:
A.挂失 B.解挂 C.注销 D.映射关系查询 [判断题]带电作业工作票签发人和工作负责人、专责监护人应由具有丰富的工作经验、能胜任带电作业工作的人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,78岁,咳嗽、咳痰1个月余,不发热。胸片见左肺一厚壁空洞,壁厚薄不均,内壁呈结节样,外缘呈分叶状,并见毛刺,门诊行抗炎治疗1周后,复查胸片无明显变化,则最可能诊断是()
A. 肺结核 B. 肺癌 C. 大叶性肺炎 D. 小叶性肺炎 E. 肺气肿 [单选题] 电力营销统计与分析就是通过对影响(____)的相关用电指标分析,预测行业经济发展趋势,得到反映社会经济现象和用电状况总体的统计指标,并最终实现提高企业的经济效益的目的。
A. 销售收入 B. 销售成本 C. 销售利润 D. 销售费用 [判断题]总队每年,支队每季度,大队以下单位每月,应当组织1次安全分析。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 尼龙绳、涤纶绳安全系数可根据工作使用状况和重要程度选取,但不得小于 ()o
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [简答题]我们常把什么人称为“三只手”?
A. 检验设备管理 B. 资格管理 C. 计量认证管理 D. 检验人员管理 我来回答: 提交