A new kind of radar has been developed
for spaceship travelers. A working laboratory model of a new system of radar
that makes use of a beam of light is said to be ten thousand times more accurate
than the best comparable system of radar that used microwaves. The model has shown that this radar system, known as laser-doppler radar, can measure with absolute precision speeds varying from spaceship orbital injection (进入) velocities (速度) of five miles per second down to virtual stops—speeds of less than one ten thousandth of an inch per second. According to the scientists who are developing this system, such fine measures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions. In a rendezvous (对接) between two spaceships, or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station, a bump could rip open a ship’s skin, or a A. accuracy in speed measurement is essential to spaceships B. the speeds of space vehicles will vary C. inaccuracies in measurement could cause accidents in space missions D. a bump could affect the preciseness of the laser-doppler radar [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司网络安全管理办法》(Q/CSG218007-2018),信息系统规划与建设安全管理
A.信息系统开发及实施 B.信息系统需求概设 C.信息系统规划可研 D.信息系统设计 [多选题]司机室车载无线电台控制屏无显示或无线电通信呼叫不通(尝试紧急呼叫无效)以下处理正确的是()。
A.检查司机室设备柜相应保险开关,跳闸则复位。 B.若未跳闸,重启车载台。 C.仍无效,使用800M手持台与行调保持联系。 D.在站台适用400M与车站保持联系。 E.适用车站端门电话与行调、本站或相邻车控室联系。 [判断题]公安消防部队在参加抢险救援行动接警到场 后,应详细询问事故发生的基本情况、有无人员伤亡、被困情况、采取处置的措施、其它救援力量到场施救的情况()。( )→易
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在多人落水需要施救,应按“()”的顺序进行救援。( )
A. 先近后远,先水面后水下 B. 先远后近,先水面后水下 C. 先近后远,先水下后水面 D. 先远后近,先水下后水面 [名词解释]八万四千法门
A.连续机械 B.自然 C.低风量 [简答题]丢勒的艺术特点?
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