编制单位:甲公司 2010年1~11月 单位:万元
项目 |
1至11月累计数 |
一、营业收入 |
70000 |
减:营业成本 |
50000 |
营业税金及附加 |
500 |
[填空题]行车速度小于120km/h的中间站一般情况下车站最小曲线半径不小于( )。
A. 印模是否准确 B. 颌位记录是否准确 C. 颌弓关系是否正常 D. 排牙位置是否正确 E. 基托边缘伸展是否合适 [单选题]对急性中毒一般处理方法,下列说法错误的是
。 A.切断毒源,使毒物不再继续扩散 B.尽快将中毒者撤离现场,抢救时禁止单人作业,以确保抢救人员的安全 C.将中毒人员移至新鲜空气处,松开衣扣和腰带,清除口腔异物,维持呼吸道通畅,注意保暖 D.中毒者如心跳停止,要就地进行人工呼吸,边抢救、边转运至医院救治 [单选题]小儿结核性脑膜炎中期主要的临床表现为
A.颈项强直,克氏征阳性 B.昏迷 C.频繁惊厥 D.神情淡漠 E.发热、盗汗 [单项选择]脐静脉置管的最合适深度是()
A. 1~2cm B. 2~3cm C. 5~7cm D. 7~8cm E. 8~9cm [单选题]在脱卸个人防护装备的过程中,每一步完成后均必须进行的操作是( )
A.手卫生 B.更换手套 C.更换口罩 D.没有必须执行的操作 E.以上都不是 [判断题]有限合伙人可以用货币、实物、知识产权、土地使用权、劳务或者其他财产权利作价出资。( )
[判断题]当无人警惕按钮未按规定时间操作时,产生惩罚制动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Passage Two
Going to court can be frightening, especially if you are a child. You may have to stand up in the witness box, and swear to tell the truth and answer questions in front of a crowd of adults. It would be even more frightening if you were the victim of a crime and you had to sit in the same courtroom as the person accused of attacking you,for instance. So the law in Britain has made it easier for children to act as witnesses. Children are allowed to tell what they know, from another room in the same courthouse. This way they do not have to face all those people in the courtroom. It works on a closed-circuit television link, which means that the TV only operates inside the court. The child witness sits in a room with a social worker in front of a TV camera. Everyone in the courtroom can see the child on a TV screen, but the child can only see the judge and the lawyers who will ask him or her questions. The system has been so successful tha A. Not very good. B. Very successful. C. Just an experiment. D. Hardly acceptabl [单项选择]以下各项中,( )属于税务行政许可范畴。
A. 发票领购簿的审批 B. 税收保全措施的批准 C. 代征单位确定的审批 D. 减免税审批 [判断题]工业水设有过滤器,主要是为了过滤胶体物质。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()宋青书恭维何人的剑法高超?
A. 丁敏君 B. 周芷若 C. 贝锦仪 D. 静玄师太 [多选题]离心泵不上量常见的形式是(___)。
A.气缚 B.泵 故障 C.气蚀 D.没有 液体 [单项选择] 阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。