Who’s to blame for the approximately $2
a gallon most Americans paid for gasoline on their Thanksgiving Day
travels To quote Pogo, the key character in that old comic strip, "We have met the enemy and he is us." Over the past 24 years, United States foreign policy has discouraged several oil-exporting nations from adding to their capacity to produce more oil, says A.F. Alhajji, an economist at Ohio Northern University in Ada. The result has been a decline in the excess capacity of OPEC as a group. This means there is less ability for oil producers to counter upward price pressures from the growing demand for petroleum from China and India, or from short-term problems, such as the bombing of pipelines in Iraq, hurricane damage to wells in the Gulf of Mexico, and political turmoil in Nigeria or ot A. Today’s higher oil prices could bring the US economy into deep recessions. B. Today’s higher oil prices will seriously damage the world’s economy. C. The higher oil prices could be soon over. D. The US maintained its neutrality in the 1980-88 war between Iran and Iraq. [单项选择]有关大运动发育规律,下列哪些说法是错误的()
A. 3个月能抬头,4个月能翻身 B. 6个月能坐稳,并能左右转身 C. 8个月腹爬,12个月高爬 D. 11个月可独站,15个月可独走 E. 24个月可双足并跳 [多选题]针对华为客户下列错误的是。()
A.保质期1年 B.出货大箱不防拆 C.一箱最多允许有两个不同周期且不超两个月 D.试产出货需放纸档出货报告 [多项选择]新生儿酶系不成熟或分泌不足,容易导致的不良反应是
A. 磺胺类导致溶血 B. 氯霉素致灰婴综合征 C. 呋喃类可引起溶血 D. 吲哚美辛导致核黄疸 E. 新生霉素致高胆红素血症 [单项选择]某食品制造公司(一般纳税人),2011年12月从农场购入大米一批40吨,税务机关批准使用的收购凭证上注明收购金额为390000元。本月该食品公司将30吨大米用于本企业生产婴儿米粉,全部销售取得不含税销售额800000元;将2吨大米用于职工食堂。则该食品公司当月应纳增值税税额为( )元。
A. 53300 B. 55835 C. 87835 D. 85300 [填空题]AMS-II自动气象观测系统是采集处理气压.气温.相对湿度.( ).( )等要素以及相应的监控和远程显示的集成自动化系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]停机时间超过( )天或推力油槽排油检修后,在机组启动前,必须用油泵将转子顶起,使推力瓦与镜板间建立油膜.
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [单选题]坚持照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病的要求,开展党的群众路线教育实践活动和“三严三实”专题教育,推进“两学一做”学习教育(),全党理想信念更加坚定、党性更加坚强。
A.常态化长期化 B.长期化制度化 C.长久化制度化 D.常态化制度化 [多选题]打磨车作业速度应根据( )确定。
A.打磨种类 B.打磨大小 C.打磨列车特性 D.打磨目的 我来回答: 提交