People regard the process of change in
a number of different ways: as good and as evil, as therapeutic and as harmful,
as fun and as annoying. It all depends on the situation, the type of change and
the degree of change. If a man is in a rut, he may be advised to consider a new
job. This might be very healthy for him and give him a wholly new, fresh outlook
on life, but it might also mean changes in his life which he is unprepared to
accept. It might involve moving to a new location or accepting for a period of
time an income lower than the one he is used to having for the support of his
family. Therefore, he is forced to choose between two unsatisfactory
situations. Or the man might live in an area which once contained lots of open spaces which he and his family could use for recreational activities. Gradually the area exper A. The young are believed to accept change better than the old. B. The old have lost the ability to come to terms with change. C. There’s no doubt that the young accept change better than the old. D. It is examined that both the young and the old can not easily adjust to change. [单项选择]某保险公司推出了一个新的健康保险产品,该产品约定一旦发生保险事故就全额给付,结果引起大量高风险的投保人投保了这一险种,导致保险公司亏损,不得不停止了该险种的销售。这一人身保险营销风险产生的主要原因是()
A. 保险市场客观情况发生变化 B. 国家政策法律变化 C. 保险公司主观判断失误 D. 市场信息不对称 [简答题]
一幢建筑高度为70米的综合楼,地上一、二层为餐饮用房,三、四层为办公室,五层设有一多功能厅,六层以上为标准客房,地下层设有汽车库及燃油发电机房等。 [单选题]剔除资本结构影响和折旧摊销影响的估值方法有( )。
A.① B.② C.③ D.②③ [单选题]1.9 机动车所有人不需要办理变更登记的是________。
A.改变车身颜色的 B.更换发动机的 C.更换车身或者车架的 D.小型、微型载客汽车加装前后防撞装置 [单选题]16节动车组双弓工作时,受电弓间距为“___”m。
A.190-220 B.200-215 C.215-220 D.220-250 [判断题]同一管路宜采用相同管径的输送管,终端出口处可采用软管。
[多项选择]在铁路旅客运输中,旅客携带物品免费重量的情形有( )。
A. 成人携带20公斤物品 B. 小孩携带20公斤物品 C. 成人携带30公斤物品 D. 小孩携带10公斤物品 [单项选择]在方差分析中,多个样本均数间各均数的两两比较常用()。
A. q检验 B. u检验 C. 成组t检验 D. 配对t检验 E. 方差分析 [名词解释]种子用价
A.有源光网络 B.SDH C.无源光网络 D.PDH [多项选择]烧伤脓毒症的防治要做到哪“三早”()
A. 早防止休克 B. 早期应用抗生素 C. 尽早肠道喂养 D. 早期切痂 E. 以上都是 [单项选择]宜后下的药是()
A. 鹿茸 B. 徐长卿 C. 六一散 D. 鹿角胶 E. 生地黄 我来回答: 提交