Let us take a brief look at the planet
on which we live. As Earth hurtles through space at a speed of 70,000 miles an
hour, it spins, as we all know, on its axis, which causes it to be flattened at
the Poles. Thus if you were to stand at sea level at the North or South Pole,
you would be 13 miles nearer the centre of the earth than if you stood on the
Equator. The earth is made up of three major layers — a central core, probably metallic, some 4000 miles across, a surrounding layer of compressed rock, and to top it all a very thin skin of softer rock, only about 20 to 40 miles thick — that’s about as thin as the skin of an apple, talking in relative terms. The pressure on the central core is unimaginable. It has been calculated that at the centre it is 60 million pounds to the square inch, and this at a temperature of perhaps 10,000 degrees F A. ( There is great pressure at the centre B. ( Earthquake waves can move vertically C. ( The outer layer is made of rock D. ( The heat at the centre is too great [判断题]在PMI的编制中,对GDP贡献大的行业选取的样本多,贡献小的行业选取的样本少。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 该患者最可能的诊断是( )。
A. 慢性肾衰 B. 下尿路感染 C. 急性肾盂肾炎 D. 急性肾小球肾炎 E. 肾病综合征 [判断题]需人工上道除雪时,上、下道应执行登记签认制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,67岁,临床表现为尿频、尿急、尿流缓慢、尿流中断和排尿不尽。直肠指诊发现前列腺增大,质韧,边缘清楚,未触及不规则硬结。血清PSA为9ng/ml。首选的影像学检查方法为()
A. CT平扫 B. TRUS C. MRI增强检查 D. 腹部平片 E. 经腹超声检查 [单选题] JT-C系列机车信号的X26插座中,( )号端子为Ⅱ端感应器感应信号IN21、IN22输入端。
A.12、13 B.14、15 C.16、17 D.18、19 [单选题]昼间试验自动制动机时,要求制动的手信号的显示方式是( )。
A.用检查锤高举头上 B.白色灯光高举 C.用检查锤在下部左右摇动 D.白色灯光在下部左右摇动 [填空题] 机车库内整备完毕要道准备出段时,机班必须确认调车信号或股道号码信号、道岔开通信号、道岔表示器( ),厉行确认呼唤(应答),鸣笛动车(限鸣区段除外)。
[单选题]《山东省生产经营单位安全生产主体责任规定》要求,安全生产委员会每( )至少召开1次会议,会议应当有书面记录。
A.天 B.周 C.月 D.季度 [单选题](第二十四条)一般情况下应在水带线路铺设完成,分水器、水枪控制人员就位以后方可实施供水。紧急情况下提前供水时,水头应与铺设线路的人员保持( )根水带以上的安全距离。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]工作负责人(或安全监护人)应具有()年以上的110kV及以上电压等级交流输电线路的带电作业实际工作经验
A. A.1 B.B.2 C.C.3 D.D.4 [判断题]预告、驼峰、驼峰辅助信号机,在正常情况下的显示距离不得小于400m。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 氯酸盐分解槽的作用是去除淡盐水中的氯酸钠。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交