Although Coca-Cola Co: spent nearly $ 2
billion last year advertising its various brands around the globe, it saw its
share of the critical U. S. cola market decline. Meanwhile, Pepsi Co. is riding
a sizzling (火热的) Britney Spears-led ad. campaign to a bigger share, sod has
launched an audacious (大胆的)assault on Coke’s long-held sponsorships. The cola.
fight is heating up. And Pepsi is landing most of the punches. Pepsi’s share of the U.S. carbonated soft-drink market rose to 31.65% last year, average Digest report. Coke brands, including Diet Coke and Sprite, still lead easily with a 43.7 % share--but that’s down four-tenths of a point. Both companies’ flagship colas, which together account for 1 of 3 sodas sold in the U.S., lost share last year. But Coke’s lost more, and Pepsi scored big with new flavors Code Red and A. would like to spend billions of money on the promotion of its products B. has twice as many advertising experts to turn to for consultation C. is always changing its image to cater to the taste of the young people D. can make effective use of famous stars popular with the young people [单项选择]除规范另有规定外,高层仓库与甲类物品库房的防火间距不应小于()m。
A. 10 B. 12 C. 13 D. 25 [单项选择]“教育主体确定,教育对象稳定,有相对的稳定的活动场所和设施等教育实体出现,教育初步定型”这些特征的出现标志学校教育制度进入()。
A. 前制度化教育阶段 B. 制度化教育阶段 C. 非制度化教育阶段 D. 学校萌芽阶段 [判断题]移动互联是大势所趋,是历史潮流。未来的世界是移动互联的世界。
[判断题]危险化学品的生产、储存、使用单位,应当在生产、储存和使用场所设置通讯、报警装置,并保证在任何情况下处于正常适用状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]线路允许速度不大于160km/h时无缝线路铝热焊缝距轨枕边缘不应小于( )。
A.30mm B.40mm C.60mm D.100mm [多项选择]钻井公司产品标识的内容为产品的()。
A. 名称; B. 型号; C. 规格; D. 数量; E. 质量。 [单选题]冲击座裂纹长度不大于裂纹部位截面宽度的()%时焊修,大于时更换。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [多项选择]方脸型在矫正时要求做到()
A. 利用影色削弱宽大的两腮及额头 B. 不宜梳短发和直线条的发型 C. 唇形略带棱角 D. 鼻部高耸挺阔鼻梁不宜过窄 [单选题]下部超限按其超限程度划分为( )超限。
A.一级和二级 B.二级和三级 C.二级和超级 D.一级和超级 [单选题]以下哪个名称是教室物联专用终端的常规名称()
A.大屏 B.投影仪 C.白板 D.超脑 [单项选择]高血压合并糖尿病,血肌酐正常,选用下列哪类降压药最合适()。
A. 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 B. 利尿剂 C. β受体阻滞剂 D. 钙离子拮抗剂 E. α受体阻滞剂 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}