Watching movie stars light up on screen may increase
the odds a child or young teen will try smoking, study findings
suggest. In this latest study, researchers at Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon, New Hampshire found that the odds of a child smoking increased in tandem (一前一后,紧密相连) with the number of films with smoking scenes he or she had seen. This pattern remained regardless of other smoking risk factors such as having parents or friends who smoked, poor school performance or a self-reported "rebellious" nature. Dr. James D. Sargent and his colleagues report the findings in the December 15th issue of the British Medical Journal. In response to the findings, the British Medical Association (BMA) called on the UK film industry to "stub out" on-screen smoking. "When smoking is glamorized in movies A. a child is more likely to try smoking if he sees more smoking scenes in movies B. a child is less likely to try smoking if he sees a lot of on-screen smoking but has nonsmoking parents C. a poor student at school is more likely to try smoking even though he sees fewer films with smoking scenes D. a child with a rebellious nature will try smoking no matter how much on-screen smoking he has ever seen [单项选择]土的含水量是指下列中哪个比值?
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A. 一类精神药、麻醉药品、放射性药品、堕胎药(米非司酮) B. 注射用处方药 C. 口服抗生素 D. 甲类非处方药 E. 乙类非处方药 [单选题]( )191.开关箱中漏电保护器的额定漏电动作时间为( )。
A.≥0.1s B.≤0.1s C.0.2s D.≤0.2s [单项选择]()以下何人称费雯·丽是“非常迷人的女士,她使人倾倒的美貌经常使人忽略了她作为一个演员的惊人成就。大美人很少成为伟大的演员——只是因为他们不必要这么做。费雯不一样:有抱负、有恒心、认真,经常有灵感。”?
A. 乔治·丘克 B. 加森·卡宁 C. 保林·凯尔 D. 菲利斯·哈特诺尔 [填空题]ROC曲线在心理学上也称为( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]农村工业化和城市化的同步发展,将从根本上解决欠发达地区农村剩余劳动力转移问题,经济发展的进程表明农业发展和流入城市的农民所积累的资金,成为发展乡镇企业的启动资金,乡镇企业的发展使位置优越、交通便利的城镇规模不断扩大,从而使农村的小镇逐步发展成为小城市,小城市则发展成为中等城市。城市步伐的加快又进一步促进乡镇企业的发展。如此相辅相成,也就为农村工业化乡村城镇化铺平了道路。这段话主要支持了这样一种论点,即( )。
A.应当坚持农村工业化和城市化的同步发展 B.乡镇企业促进农村城镇化进程 C.农村工业化和城市化的同步发展是相辅相成的举措 D.城市步伐的加快,将促进乡镇企业的进一步发展 我来回答: 提交