Passage 6 An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the ordinary sense, for that is a born quality (1) our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a central figure towards whom people are (2) . Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, (3) being seen. There is a type of authority which can be (4) . from behind closed doors, but that is not leadership. (5) there is movement and action, the true leaders is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the (6) for anecdotes, whether true or (7) ; an important character. One of the simplest devices is to be absent (8) the occasion when the leader might be (9) to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about t A. in B. beyond C. under D. of [单项选择]在Windows 98中,查找文件的快捷键是______。
A. F2 B. F3 C. F4 D. F5 [单选题]按安全目标要求,特种作业人员持证上岗率应达( )。
A.97% B.98% C.99% D.100% [多选题]依据计价方式不同,现代房地产开发项目开发建设过程中常见的合同类型主要有()。
A.总价合同 B.总承包合同 C.单价合同 D.分包合同 E.成本加酬金合同 [简答题]再生温度过低的原因及处理?
[填空题]中共成立后,由于把党领导的 作为党的中心工作,所以从1922年1月起掀起了 的高潮。( )
[单选题]电力机车、动车组在接触网终点附近作业时,应与接触网终点标保持不少于( )m处停车。
A.30 B.25 C.10 D.5 [单项选择]对于可能造成社会影响的重大、紧急信访事项和信访信息,有关行政机关应当(),防止不良影响的产生、扩大。
A. 报当地人民政府采取措施 B. 及时采取措施 C. 在职责范围内依法及时采取措施 [单项选择]()伙伴选择主要是面向上、下游企业关系的伙伴选择。
A. 纵向 B. 横向 C. 侧向 D. 外向 [多项选择]预防及早期发现子宫内膜癌的措施有()
A. 普及防癌知识,定期防癌检查 B. 正确掌握使用雌激素的指征 C. 绝经过渡期妇女月经紊乱或不规则阴道流血患者应先除外内膜癌 D. 绝经后妇女出现阴道流血应警惕内膜癌可能 E. 注意高危因素,重视高危患者 [单项选择]Can money buy happiness Yes, (47) the authors of a new study--but only up to a point. Psychology has shown that richer people generally rank the overall quality of their lives more (48) than poorer people do. At the same time, their actual happiness seems to be (49) less by their ability to buy more than by being able to keep up with those with comparable resources in their own age group.
"Our findings point to the possibility that, rather than promoting overall happiness, continued income growth could (50) an ongoing consumption race where people have to consume more and more, just to maintain a (51) level of happiness," writes Glenn Firebaugh of Penn sylvania State University.
The study was (52) at the American Sociological Association’’s 100th Annual Meeting. Whether the rich are happier as a whole than their less (53) fellows is becoming an increasingly hot topic for debate. Recent years have (54) many writings on the "science of happiness."
Richer peopl
A.脑损伤伴脑疝 B.原发脑干损伤 C.硬膜外血肿伴脑疝 D.硬膜下血肿伴脑疝 E.颅骨凹陷骨折伴脑疝 [单项选择]“凡大法国兵船往来游弋,保护商船,所过中国通商各口,均以友谊接待。”允许外国军舰在长江口岸通航的条约是()
A. 《南京条约》 B. 《北京条约》 C. 《天津条约》 D. 《马关条约》 我来回答: 提交