{{B}}Organic Architecture{{/B}} One of the most striking personalities in the development of early-twentieth century architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright (1867- 1959). Wright attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison before moving to Chicago, where he eventually joined the firm headed by Louis Sullivan. Wright set out to create "architecture of democracy". Early influences were the volumetric shapes in a set of educational blocks the German educator Friedrich Froebel designed, the organic unity of a Japanese building Wright saw at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and a Jeffersonian belief in individualism and populism. Always a believer in architecture as "natural" and "organic", Wright saw it as serving free individuals who have the right to move within a free space, A. Fixation. B. Ideal. C. Continuity. D. Classic. [判断题]( )106.杆塔上有人时,可以调整但禁止拆除拉线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]妊娠合并重度缺铁性贫血对胎儿的影响不包括()
A. 可导致早产 B. 可导致死胎 C. 可导致胎儿窘迫 D. 可导致胎儿畸形 E. 血红蛋白<60g/L,可引起胎盘缺血,发生宫内发育迟缓 [单项选择]在使用电子表格图表呈现分析结果时,若要描述学校历年来招生人数走势,最形象的图表类型是。()
A. 柱形图 B. 条形图 C. 折线图 D. 饼图 [单项选择]跨越道路时移动式防护棚架结构必须经过力学检算,具有足够的强度、刚度和()
A. 尺寸 B. 耐久性 C. 抗风性能 D. 稳定性 [简答题]We refer to our letter of April 1st in which we explained to you the advantage of our new electric typewriter. We are so certain that this typewriter will be of great assistance to you that we are writing again to you. Perhaps there are some points which our letter did not illustrate clearly. If so please let us know and we will gladly supply any further information you need.
A. 地上油罐 B. 半地下油罐 C. 地下油罐 D. 空中油罐 [名词解释]论理解释
[单选题] 配电变压器高压侧熔丝熔断后,应先开展(____)。
A.10kV线路检查 B. 配变检查 C. 低压回路检查 D. 高压熔丝更换 [单选题]2.57. 第57题
配电管理系统(DMS)利用先进的图模库一体化技术建立的网络模型能为SCADA增加( )功能。 A.图形在线编辑 B.防误闭锁 C.数据采集 D.事故追忆 [单项选择]《谁是最可爱的人》、《依依惜别的神情》等“通讯化”的作者是()。
A. 魏巍 B. 刘白羽 C. 秦牧 D. 曹靖华 [单选题]直埋光缆在市郊、村镇一般埋深为( )
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.30 [填空题]肾实质中由肾小体、肾小管组成的部分称为();由许多密集的肾小管组成的部分为()。
A. 呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎 B. 腺病毒肺炎 C. 葡萄球菌肺炎 D. 支原体肺炎 E. 衣原体肺炎 我来回答: 提交