More than 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third floor window. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to $ 50. It will not be Up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be take
A. a medical magazine
B. a government report
C. a legal document
D. a government information booklet
SNMP: (61) ;
WAP: (62) ;
PPP (63) ;
HDLC (64) ;
OSPF (65) 。
If you’re like most people, you’re way
too smart for advertising. You skip right past newspaper ads, never click on ads
online and leave the room during TV commercials. That, at least, is what we tell ourselves. But what we tell ourselves is wrong. Advertising works, which is why, even in hard economic times, Madison Avenue is a Lindstrom is a practitioner of neuromarketing (神经营销学) research, in which consumers are exposed to ads while hooked up to machines that monitor brain activity, sweat responses and movements A. A.It becomes more thriving by advertising. B.It turns to advertising so as to survive. C.It helps spread the influence of advertising. D.It keeps being prosperous thanks to advertising. [单项选择]The little boy was unhappy because he had a long name--Bradford Underwood Timothy Charles Hoppenpop-per. He wanted to leave out some of his name, but he couldn’t, because there were names of his great grandfather’s (曾祖父的), grandfather’s, father’s and even mother’s in his name. An old man was so wise, he could read the thoughts of the unhappy boy, "Let me help you, my boy," said the old man. "Put down on a piece of paper the first letters of all your names, and you will have a new name."
The boy ran all the way home and did so at once. Then he got a new name, as short as other boys’. He smiled a big smile. The wise old man knew why the boy was unhappy. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say. [单选题]肾移植术后最常见的并发症是( )。
A.感染 B.血肿 C.消化道出血 D.尿瘘 E.移植肾血管栓塞 [填空题]大学生思想政治教育工作队伍主体是(),(),辅导员和班主任。
[单选题]金融机构开展货币鉴别和假币收缴业务,未按《中国人民银行货币鉴别及假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》规定组织开展机构内反假货币知识与技能培训,可罚款( )。
A.1000元以上5万元以下 B.1000元以上3万元以下 C.5万元以上 D.10万元以上 [简答题]以下所列的安全责任中,( )不是动火工作负责人的安全责任。
[单选题]航拍⼿段不包括( )
A.载⼈直升机拍摄 B.热⽓球拍摄 C.⽆⼈机拍摄 D.地⾯拍摄 [单项选择]采用外墙外保温方案,由于建筑物围护结构外侧,缓冲了因温度变化导致结构变形产生的应力,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 减少了空气中的二氧化碳 B. 增加了水对混凝土的碳化 C. 减少了空气中有害气体 D. 减少紫外线对围护结构的侵蚀 [单选题]下列关于国际标准化比值(INR)的描述,正确的是
A.不同凝血仪同时检测同一份标本,得到的INR相差很大 B.使用不同的凝血酶原试剂检测同一份标本,得到的INR相差很大 C.INR值越高,说明凝血酶原试剂的敏感度越好 D.INR值越低,说明凝血酶原试剂的敏感度越差 E.可以用来衡量口服抗凝剂的疗效或调整剂量 [单选题]用灭火器进行灭火的最佳站位是( )。
A.:下风位置; B.:离起火点10米以上的位置; C.:上风或侧风位置; D.:离起火点10米以下的位置。 [单项选择]腱鞘囊肿( )
A. 最常见于腘窝 B. 因关节囊或腱鞘结缔组织发生黏液变性和液化所致 C. 关节滑膜细胞瘤样反应性增生,与局部损伤性出血有关 D. 起源于腱鞘滑膜组织,主要由组织细胞样滑膜细胞及由此融合的多核巨细胞组成 E. 成于成骨性肉芽组织 [简答题]某高速公路工程项目,建设单位通过公开招标方式分别确定了某监理单位和甲施工单位,并按规定签订了监理合同和施工合同。施工合同约定的施工单位承包范围包括A、B、C、D、E五个子项目,其中,子项目A包括拆除废弃建筑物和新建工程两部分,在经监理工程师审查,并报建设单位同意后施工单位将拆除废弃建筑物部分分包给具有相应资质的乙施工单位。在该工程项目施工过程中发生了下列事件:事件1:由于拆除废弃建筑物的危险性较大,乙施工单位编制了专项施工方案,并组织召开了有甲施工单位与项目监理机构相关人员及有关专家参加的专家论证、审查会。会后,乙施工单位将该专项施工方案送交项目监理机构,要求总监理工程师审批。总监理工程师认为该专项施工方案已通过专家论证,便签字同意实施。事件2:在该工程项目开工前,建设单位要求乙施工单位在废弃建筑物拆除前7日内,将资质等级证书与专项施工方案报送工程所在地交通(建设)行政主管部门。事件3:受金融危机影响,建设单位于2012年1月20日正式通知甲施工单位与监理单位,缓建尚未施工的子项目D、E。而此前,甲施工单位已按照批准的计划向某机械厂订购了用于子项目D、E的工程设备,并向其支付定金300万元。鉴于无法确定复工时间,建设单位于2012年2月10日书面通知甲施工单位解除施工合同。
A. 自底向上 B. 自顶向下 C. 逐步求精 D. 面向数据流 [单项选择]
3岁小孩,入托体检视力:右0.8、左0.4,眼前段检查及眼底检查未发现病变。 患儿的治疗应采取().A. 因年龄小,暂不配镜 B. 配镜,定期换镜 C. 屈光矫正,遮盖右眼,左眼精细作业 D. 遮盖右眼 E. 左眼弱视训练 [多选题]防排水设施应()。
A.沟底平整 B.无阻水现象 C.排水畅通 D.无冲刷现象 E.沟底不露水,但沟身可以露水 [多项选择]下列关于瞳孔的表述正确的是
A. 动眼神经麻痹可致瞳孔散大 B. 针尖样瞳孔常见于脑桥出血 C. 瞳孔光反射为光线刺激瞳孔引起的缩瞳反射 D. 发生脑疝时患侧瞳孔散大 E. 两眼视力高度减退时瞳孔散大 [单项选择]What was the most difficult test of her ability
A. To read through glass-blindfolded. B. To identify the colour and shape of light on a screen while securely blindfolded. C. To carry out tasks with someone pressing on her eyeballs. D. To work from behind a screen, blindfolded and with a card round her neck. [单项选择]People in Britain are living longer and are (56) , (57) more and more money is being spent on consumer goods, (58) the latest statistics.
But while people (59) appear to be healthier and wealthier, an analysis of (60) activities suggests they are also lazier. (61) the most popular pastime is watching television, with 98 percent of homes having (62) one set and over a third having a video recorder. Other pastimes (63) listening to music, gardening, sports, visiting friends or going out for a meal. The 56.8 million people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (64) an (65) 12 million household pets. Most of the homes now have central heating, washing machines, refrigerators, telephones and even cars. Britain are also (66) . United Kingdom residents took over 17 (67) holidays overseas in 1986, (68) 15.75 million i A. related to B. compared with C. in accordance with D. by virtue of [单项选择]中国古代官吏选拔标准有一个由世袭→功劳→道德→门第→才学的变化过程。其中实现选择标准由家族世袭到功劳大小的变化的时期是()
A. 西周 B. 战国 C. 魏晋 D. 隋唐 [单项选择]MYC家族编码的蛋白是()
A. DNA结合蛋白 B. 生长因子 C. p53蛋白 D. Rb蛋白 E. 生长因子受体 [单项选择]合同协议类劳务管理档案资料保存的最低年限是()。
A. 3年 B. 5年 C. 8年 D. 10年 [单选题]加热炉停炉检查时,要进行炉管管壁测厚,着重检测炉管的弯头部位,防止炉管()腐蚀而减薄,影响加热炉长周期安全运行。
A.化学 B.冲蚀 C.电化学 D.氧浓差 我来回答: 提交